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  1. #591
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    House of Reps voted this afternoon on one of the three options on the election law

    The head of the Legal Committee in the House of Representatives said Bahaa al-Araji told the House of Representatives now has three options for a vote on the veto election law, which set aside Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi.

    Araji said in a press conference held at the Conference Palace in Baghdad with the Kurdistan Alliance MP Mohsen al-Sadoun attended ((et al)) and that the legal majority of its members and found that aside Hashemi unconstitutional and had therefore made a proposal to the presidency of the Council present the subject to members to vote to overrule the veto, which provides by Mr. Hashemi.

    Araji said that the Council was also addressed two options, one of them also provided by the Iraqi National Coalition and the coalition of the rule of law and the Kurdistan Alliance and the letter be distributed among the 5% quota on the blocks and the adoption by the increase of all provinces increased by 2,8%, and the second is the proposal submitted by United Nations, after amending some paragraphs by some lawmakers.

    And on the request to withdraw the veto Hashemi Araji denied that Parliament had demanded that al-Hashemi, stating that some members told him that personally, and the House of Representatives will say his chapter after the presentation of proposals to a vote in the next hour. and on elections between Araji said that was the prerogative of the Presidency and not any other side.

    For his part, MP Mohsen al-Sadoun, the mechanisms that have been agreed by the constitutional, legal, and it can not be considered to the letters submitted to the Council whether Hashemi or other, but look at the formal request, stressing that the matter includes all the provinces and the provinces of Kurdistan region is not alone.


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  3. #592
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    Maliki orders investigation into misappropriation of official cash

    Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has ordered the formation of a probe committee to investigate the misappropriation of 17 billion Iraqi dinars (ID), earmarked for the salaries of Baghdad Mayoralty’s personnel.

    “The premier has ordered that quick measures be taken to arrest those responsible,” a statement released by the National Media Center and received by Aswat al-Iraq news agency quoted an official source in the Iraqi cabinet as saying.

    The committee will include senior employees from Maliki’s office and from the cabinet’s secretariat general, as well as representatives of the Board of Supreme Audit, the statement noted.

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    CBI’s dollar sales reach 97m on Monday

    The Central Bank of Iraq’s (CBI) dollar sales rose to $97.510 million in its daily auction on Monday, compared to $54.057 million during the previous session.

    “The demand hit $3.860 million in cash, covered at an exchange rate of 1,183 Iraqi dinars per dollar, and $93.650 million in foreign transfers outside the country, covered at an exchange rate of 1,173 Iraqi dinars per dollar,” according to a CBI news bulletin received by Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

    None of the 13 banks that participated in today’s session offered to sell dollars.

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  7. #594
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    Lawmaker: Parliament to settle election law dispute soon

    The Iraqi Parliament will settle the dispute arising over the election law by voting on two proposals submitted by the Iraqi National Alliance and the Kurdistan Alliance, and the United Nations, the head of the parliamentary legal committee said on Monday.

    “The Parliament will resolve the election law crisis within half an hour…,” Araji said during a press conference held at the headquarters of the Iraqi Parliament and broadcasted by al-Iraqiya TV.

    On Wednesday (Nov. 18), Sunni Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi vetoed the country’s general election law, ordering it back to the Parliament, which had taken almost three months to pass it.

    Hashemi objected to Article I of the law, which he said did not give a voice to Iraqis abroad, many of whom are Sunnis who fled the country during sectarian clashes after the US-led invasion in 2003.

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  9. #595
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    Qaddo: Regions party trying to take advantage of the reverse-Hashimi of the electoral law

    A member of the Iraqi Parliament Deputy nostalgia Qaddo the existence of partisan views aside trying to take advantage of the election law to gain additional parties and their respective regions at the expense of political consensus.

    He Qaddo told news media that if the Iraqi Council of Representatives was unable to come to an agreement, or which respond to veto a national consensus on only the first article, Iraq will enter into a new crisis, called al-Hashemi to the need to withdraw this veto in order to conduct elections as scheduled, noting The loser in the process of law is to set aside the Iraqi people.


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  11. #596
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    Al-Bayati calls the House of Representatives to stick cold Hashemi veto election

    A member of the House of Representatives Abbas al-Bayati said the political blocs and the Council should bear the responsibility of the national and historic right to stick to cold veto and put the presidency in front of the political reality.

    Al-Bayati said in a press statement that the Electoral Commission for elections if it did not receive the law during this week will crawl dates and lead to a postponement of the elections may be months.


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  13. #597
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    There are other providers of a veto if it is not change the ratio of compensatory Seats

    MP said in Parliament Tania Talat, the problem existing in the electoral law that there are points you want to reply veto but at the same time, there are sides, said he will present another set aside if there is no change the ratio of compensatory seats.

    She said Talat said in a statement summarized by NOAA radio that there must be proportionality between the proportion of seats who live abroad and those inside.


  14. #598
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    MPs rule out the vote on any proposal for the setting aside of the election law-Hashimi

    Ruled out of the House to vote on any proposal for the setting aside Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi of the electoral law, asserting at the same time deal parliamentary blocs to send a message to al-Hashemi calls on him to withdraw the veto in order to hold elections on schedule.


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  16. #599
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    Gulf Keystone finds additional oil in Iraqi well

    Gulf Keystone Petroleum Ltd said on Monday it found additional oil in an Iraqi well, sending the oil and gas explorer's shares up 7.8 percent.

    The new Triassic discovery flowed at 10,000 barrels of oil equivalent (boe) per day and the section currently shows potential aggregate rates of about 24,000 boe per day, the company said.

    In October, Hungarian oil company MOL MOLB.BU had recommended caution while estimating oil reserves in the Shaikan-1 exploration well in Iraq's Kurdistan, saying an accurate evaluation would not be complete until late 2010.

    MOL holds a 20 percent stake in the Shaikan-1 field.

    Gulf Keystone, the field's operator and majority owner, said the Jurassic and Triassic tests in the well have so far resulted in an aggregate actual test rate of 20,000 boe per day.

    "It is our belief that the aggregate volumes suggest an even larger future potential," ****utive Chairman Todd Kozel said in a statement.

    Shares of the company were up 7.8 percent at 117 pence at 0811 GMT on the London Stock Exchange.

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  18. #600
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    House of Representatives raises its 45-minute consultation on the proposals submitted

    Presidency of the Council of Representatives has decided to raise its for the day Monday for a 45-minute consultation.

    The source said the Council told the independent press (Iba), "The lifting of the session came to give the opportunity for political blocs to consult on the proposals submitted by the Legal Committee."

    The proposals are a reaction reversed Vice President Hashemi of the electoral law and voting displaced by both his province and the third proposal is submitted by the United Nations to lift the proportion of displaced persons from 5% to 10% of the compensatory seats.


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