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  1. #601
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    Al-Hashimi: Letter of Board of Representatives mysterious.. And the veto is still in force

    Deputy President Tariq al-Hashemi letter received from the leaders of parliamentary blocs on Wednesday ambiguous, and demanded explanations and interpretations and to resolve the Council's position of the sovereignty of the proposed amendments to the law.

    A statement from Hashemi's office received by the independent press (Iba) a copy of Vice President of the Republic received yesterday a message from the President of the Chamber of Deputies with a request lodged by a number of leaders and representatives of the political blocs in parliament.

    He included a message that those blocks reached a "compromise formula" and after that "I understand the parliamentary blocs Hashemi keen on guaranteeing the rights of voters outside the country," therefore propose to withdraw the veto sovereignty of Article I of the election law in the light of the formula contained in that letter.

    He expressed the Information Bureau of Hashemi extremely surprised that some of the leaders and representatives of parliamentary blocs who have put their signatures to the request filed yesterday, they themselves were the first who claimed not to veto a constitutional resolution issued by al-Hashemi and they are demanding a withdrawal of the veto in the implicit recognition of the constitutionality of the verdict which is guaranteed by the Constitution to the Presidency.

    He said if al-Hashemi to set aside the election law is unconstitutional, as some claim Ben-ignored, as the electoral law in force and no message here to request the withdrawal of the veto and the contrary has allowed the Constitution of the Council has several options response veto or approve it and make the necessary amendments to articles Almnicodp exclusively materials without opening the election law be discussed again.

    The Office in its statement that it "did not appear in the letter any reference to minority quotas or the amendment proposed by al-Hashemi in Article III -4" and wondered "Why is this intentional disregard of minority rights" ...


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  3. #602
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    MP Ali Keywords: There is a possibility to reach a definitive solutions to the election law

    According to a member of the Iraqi Parliament that members of the House of Representatives are trying to overcome the obstacles to pass the election law, which was vetoed by Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi.

    He said in a statement singled out by the Reporter "The presence of Breakthrough In the case of Veto Election law and the possibility of reaching a final solution on the controversial articles, Mbeya yesterday that the proposal which was submitted By the representatives of parliamentary blocs, the Presidency Parliament was a proposal to end the crisis substantive law.

    The Keywords that there are positive signs By Hashemi to withdraw the veto of the law.


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  5. #603
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    Urgent ... Number of representatives of parliamentary blocs, leaving vote on election law

    A source in the Chamber of Deputies that the representatives of the Accordance Front and the Iraqi List and the mass of national dialogue and the number of members of the Sadrist bloc left the meeting to vote on the proposals submitted by the Legal Committee to respond to set aside the election law.

    The source of the reporter that the members have dropped out of the meeting demanded veto veto Vice-President and traced to the Presidency before the vote on the new proposals as well as opposition to the proposal of the Legal Committee to add the population growth rate 2.8% each year depending on the records of the Ministry of Commerce in 2005.


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  7. #604
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    Urgent ... Araji: Council of Reps will decide the election law in the later afternoon

    Said Bahaa al-Araji, the House will be held later in the midday meeting to respond to the veto-Hashemi to the electoral law.

    Araji said during a press conference held today in the House and was attended by reporter The front of the House of Representatives The response of the veto or vote on three options, without reference to the options that will be voted upon

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  9. #605
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    MP Ali Keywords: Migrate Confirms Oil and Gas Law to Parliament next

    According to a member of the Iraqi Parliament to migrate the oil and gas The next parliament.

    He said in a statement singled out Reporter You can not pass such a law, it is important at an hour when in addition to the decisions that the Council oversees the end of the chapter Legislative and added that such decisions need to study a broad and open time limit in addition to the Specialists and experts Working In the field of oil and gas without adding to Formation of joint committees in order to reach a law satisfies the Iraqi people's aspiration.

    He pointed out that the parliament In the process of completing some Readings of some of the laws that need to read the final in the remaining life of the Parliament.

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  11. #606
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    MP Qaddo: failure to reach a solution to the election law today Sidkhalna in a new crisis

    A member of the Iraqi Parliament Deputy nostalgia Qaddo the existence of partisan views aside trying to take advantage of the election law to gain additional parties and their respective regions at the expense of political consensus.

    Qaddo said in a statement to "If the House of Representatives was unable to come to an agreement response veto semblance of national consensus on only the first article, we We will enter into a new crisis, calling for Hashimi to the need to withdraw this veto in order to hold legislative elections on schedule . He pointed out that the loser in the process of law is to set aside the Iraqi people."

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  13. #607
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    Urgent ... House begins vote on Election Law

    Start the Council of Representatives shortly before the vote on the proposals of the Legal Committee on the Law of the election and that revocation of the Vice-Chairman, Tareq al-Hashemi.


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  15. #608
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    URGENT ... the House of Representatives to reach agreement on the election law

    A source in the Chamber of Deputies, said council members had reached a mutually acceptable understanding on veto election law by voting on proposals made by the Legal Committee

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  17. #609
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    Bahaa al: Elections will be held on time and delayed Fallam

    The Chairman of the law are in the Iraqi parliament said Bahaa al-elections Parliamentary elections in scheduled and was delayed a few Vlayam after members voted for the House of Representatives voted on the proposal of the Legal Committee, including for the first article, which contradicted Vice President of the Republic.

    Araji said at a press conference to vote on The law today and attended by the reporter (News Agency, Iraqi Information / conscious) The Commission's proposal on a vote of Iraqis abroad who are members of the council voted by a majority vote to ensure the Iraqis like they are with their brothers inside Iraq.

    Araji and that minorities have had a paragraph in the law, especially Christian brothers because they are a major component And they were after the occupation of Iraq are too high, but security conditions and the actions of the Israeli occupation forces have driven many of them to migrate to the outside so it will be for Christians a closed circuit and one eligible to vote, which at home and abroad, both to ensure representation of all of us.

    He noted that the majority of Parliament voted against the veto Hashemi Article II of the Act.

    Araji predicted that invalidate the law again by Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi, but majority voting today ensures response veto if the law was re-back to the parliament

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  19. #610
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    Parliament adjourns session

    The Iraqi Parliament adjourned the session after voting on the proposal regarding adopting the Trade Ministry’s statistics of 2005, Yazidi lawmaker said on Monday.

    “The session was adjourned after 133 lawmakers voted on the first proposal on adopting the Trade Ministry’s statistics of 2005 to be added to a population growth with 8.2% for each province every year,” Ameen Farhan told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

    “Iraqis will vote on the candidates’ lists, including Iraqis abroad,” he added.

    On Wednesday (Nov. 18), Sunni Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi vetoed the country’s general election law, ordering it back to the Parliament, which had taken almost three months to pass it.

    Hashemi objected to Article I of the law, which he said did not give a voice to Iraqis abroad, many of whom are Sunnis who fled the country during sectarian clashes after the US-led invasion in 2003.

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