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  1. #651
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    MP Ismail thanked: We need 166 votes to overturn a veto the law once again

    A member of the Iraqi Parliament Deputy Ismail thanked the messenger, the Board voted to start the support of the veto has been accepted, and after a process has been read to veto the amendment and voted for it.

    The Messenger in a telephone conversation that "some MPs did not enter the hall because they were aware that the amendment will be and the voting process will be Support of the veto or reject all of this according to the constitution. "

    Adding that the veto had been accepted and after the approval of amendments by those present at the meeting that took place within the parliament."

    Noting that "send the new law amended to the Presidency for approval or veto within ten days If it is not approved nor vetoed the law will become effective overturn the law but if again we will need to (166) votes, three-fifths of the members of parliament to overturn a veto and become law in force and will be over a presidential veto."


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  3. #652
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    MP Osama Nujaifi: Parliament committed a violation of the constitution by adding a new paragraph

    Expressed member of parliament, deputy of Osama Nujaifi "disappointment than the parliament of the committed violation of the constitution by adding a new article Outside of legal contexts."

    Nujaifi said in a statement singled out by the reporter "that the Iraqi parliament yesterday committed a constitutional violation when added a new paragraph to Article (1) of the Electoral Act of by (2.8) have been added and that no Apmsudp to the law before voting on it has not found when the veto of the law by Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi.

    He Nujaifi "The It's wasted on the provinces of Nineveh, Salahuddin, Kirkuk Maigarb of (8-10) seats.

    He pointed out that the parliamentary component of the list and Iraqi Accordance Front and the Front for National Dialogue Front and the Arab and the Islamic Party and some members of the Sadrist movement of the Turkmen had demanded at the beginning of the meeting yesterday, to bring that new addition of population growth and when the Committee rejected Resulted in an exodus of those components from the meeting room did not vote to repeal the law and its amendments. Indicating that the other blocs voted to repeal the law and modify it without taking into account the number of members of parliament Where the number of exit from the floor (50) deputies. OOZh1fPOkJ0ppUEKbCGv7vVNg

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  5. #653
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    Google will soon start broadcasting images of Iraqi antiquities on the Internet

    The CEO of U.S. giant Google will soon begin Tuesday digitized artifacts and documents of the Iraqi National Museum.

    "Said Eric Schmidt, the first day of his three-day visit, told reporters that 14 thousand photos were taken in the museum will be available free on the Internet early next year.

    He added that "Google's mission all over the world is to make information available to all. There is a wealth of information in the Arab world is difficult to understand on a large scale, it is also not available to any other person."

    Schmidt continued: "We have to capture thousands of images as well as some surprises that will be available to everyone in the world, early next year."

    "The support from the government and the Iraqi people, this museum will be open to the world."

    The project includes the indexing of digital and electronic artifacts in the museum, with costs to be borne by the company itself and the U.S. State Department. Schmidt said in response to a question as to whether Google was considering other projects in Iraq, "We have started this project, but I am sure that we will be more."

    Internet service is still in Iraq are limited.

    Most Web surfers use the S.atellite dishes that are very expensive, but prices should come down significantly next year because the Doha-based company is establishing a fiber-optic cable which will be completed by the year 2011. The entry of Google for evidence of Iraq's improved security in the country, where the government seeks to attract foreign investment in the wake of the US-led invasion in 2003 during its bid to rebuild its devastated economy and infrastructure crumbling. Although investment conferences held in Washington, London and Berlin in recent months, has been announced major deals with foreign companies outside the oil sector, and this is hoped to be able to Schmidt, Google changed.

    In that regard, "Most U.S. companies are still not operating in Iraq, and we would like clarification that it is possible to do business in this country being one of the important markets that will see rapid growth, it is also stable enough to start a business in addition to being a safe place ".

    Schmidt accompanied by both of Donald Dixon, Managing Director of Trident and retired Gen. Peter Pace, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the American armies. Pace said he was impressed to see the progress made in Iraq since his last visit to the country in 2007, before retiring from the army. But he called the Iraqi government to calls for more business and not rely on embassies to organize tours in this matter.

    He told AFP that "businessmen have answered this time, call the American Embassy, but should the Iraqi government should invite them to come here because it is much better."


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  7. #654
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    Trade Bank of Iraq: Iraq close to a breakthrough in project finance

    The Trade Bank of Iraq that the country is close to a breakthrough in the financing of projects with the launch of power plants and oil projects, shopping malls and public investment in infrastructure, while continuing violence back ...

    Azri said Hussein, chairman of the state-run bank, which an increasing number of foreign bankers flocking to Baghdad to discuss business opportunities and the security situation has improved enough to accept investors including Iraqis abroad and foreign risk.

    He said he had noticed in the last three months a growing interest. He said the bankers to come to Iraq to visit and discuss business opportunities, including the Swiss banks and the other American.

    He said he believed that the financing of the projects will be next important event in Iraq and that investors are willing to take risks in Iraq.

    And destroyed by years of war and sanctions, the Iraqi economy, which is in dire need to improve infrastructure and opportunities widely available to developers in the sectors of housing, electricity, hotels, supermarkets, schools, roads and airports.

    However, there are still restrictions, including the uncertainty surrounding the general elections planned in January and expected to be postponed because of a dispute between Sunni and Shiite politicians and Kurds, which reduces appetite.

    The lack of legal clarity and red tape and corruption concerns for investors, but the parliament on Monday approved an investment law may facilitate the investment process.

    The law allows - which still must be approved by the Presidential Council - foreign ownership of land for housing projects and aims to simplify procedures for granting investment licenses.

    Was established Trade Bank of Iraq (TBI) after the US-led invasion of the country in 2003. The Bank is less bureaucratic than other banks, Iraqi government and has good growth and an increase in its assets more than doubled to $ 6.1 billion in 2007 from 2.8 billion the previous year. Are linked to most of the bank financing of government transactions such as imports of cereals and food and the purchase of equipment for oil and construction of infrastructure such as the construction of power stations and water treatment works. But 40 percent of its profits now come from loans to the private sector, a move that experts consider the task of economists to keep the Iraqi economy from dependence on the oil sector, which is dominated by the State.

    In the view of banks role as a catalyst to revive the economy after more than six years of sectarian violence that erupted after the invasion and previous decades of economic decline. Azri said that the bank granted letters of credit business in 2008, worth 9.5 billion dollars, including $ 1.5 billion for the private sector. He added that the letters of credit this year for the sector will rise to $ 2.6 billion. And went on to say that the bank focused on attracting the Iraqi capital abroad to return to their country, adding that it could persuade foreign investors that it was time to invest in Iraq.

    Azri said that the security situation improved and he was certain that the elections will take place.


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  9. #655
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    MP Almkotr are urgent: The vote was done in a transparent manner and the decision by majority vote

    Rep. Almkotr are urgent for the United Iraqi Alliance "of the right Brothers objecting to a vote yesterday to resort to the legal and constitutional methods.

    He Almkotr in a telephone conversation "It's been three options were put to vote on one of them, noting that some of the brothers in parliament objected to the vote and left the room after the vote because a quorum was incomplete, as I believe there is no legal or constitutional violation.

    Almkotr noted that "the vote was done in a transparent manner and a quorum was incomplete The resolution took a majority of the votes." dOYqd_VxG0gTTs0YNUAxzX9ZHxA

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  11. #656
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    Talabani praises approving election law

    Iraqi President Jalal Talabani on Tuesday praised the Parliament’s approval of the election law, according to al-Iraqia S.atellite channel.

    “The president called on Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi to understand this approval and its reasons and to exert efforts to face those who aim at foiling the democratic political process,” the channel added.

    The Iraqi Parliament had passed an amended version of the new election law, which was vetoed by one of the country’s two vice-presidents last week.

    Tareq al-Hashemi wanted more seats given to the four million displaced Iraqis who he said had fled abroad since 2003.

    The law will return to the presidential council, where lawmakers close to Hashemi said he might veto it again, potentially delaying by a month the election due in January and threatening U.S. plans for a troop drawdown next year.

    The law must be approved soon to allow parliamentary polls in January. The amended election law includes new clauses that give Iraqis inside and outside the country equal status as voters and say the votes of refugees and exiles would be counted in their home provinces.

    It also stipulates that the voter rolls will be based on food ration data from 2005, when the last election was held, increased by 2.8 percent per year since then to match estimated population growth.

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  13. #657
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    Basra qualified to be main hub for investors – official

    Basra is qualified to be a main hub for investors because of its economic potentials, chairman of the Basra council said on Tuesday.

    This came during his meeting with a foreign delegation of industrial investors and businessmen.

    “Basra is qualified to be a main hub for investors because if its strategic position and its huge natural wealth,” Jabar Ameen Jaber told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

    “Stable security condition is the most important message we want to send to investors as well as the continued reconstruction operations in the city,” he continued.

    “There is an urgent desire to speed up investments in Basra after all studies are finalized,” he pointed out.

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  15. #658
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    Smile An Investor

    This is all very interesting but my question is:

    For the people who have Iraqi Dinar - Anyone have any idea when it can be turned in for USD?

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!

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  17. #659
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    It can be turned into USD whenever you choose. However, if you wish to know when it will gain in value to be exchanged at a higher rate, well, the dinar is a stable currency at the moment, so it may well gain in value in the next year, by perhaps, 15%. But who knows, maybe more, maybe less. This is why we follow events in Iraq in this forum.

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  19. #660
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    Cork Telecom raised with E.ricsson Multimedia Solutions in Iraq

    Cork Telecom awarded E.ricsson the world's leading services sector, telecommunications, awarded a contract to run the system of monthly contributions paid later.

    A statement by Telecom Co. Cork Radio Tigris got a copy of it on Tuesday that the contract also included offering solutions for multimedia, in a move which the company aims to achieve Cork expansion strategy designed to provide full national coverage with the spread continues in areas of central and southern Iraq.

    The statement added that the contract is also aimed at enhancing the accuracy of billing and performance and development of promotional offers and improve the reporting abilities of the company, which is one of three national telecommunications companies operating in the area of operation of the m.obile network in Iraq.

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