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  1. #691
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    Shell CEO on Iraq

    Shell is back in Iraq with two projects: its 20 per cent share in the international companies’ stake in the West Qurna oil field, where the majority partner is Exxon, and its plan, agreed under an MoU, for a gas-gathering project in the south to collect associated gas that would otherwise be flared off, and then sell it, at first in the local market and for power generation, and then for export as LNG.

    The Kirkuk field, which Shell knows particularly well, is some way away from being able to agree a service contract of the type agreed for West Qurna and a couple of other Iraqi oil fields, “for political reasons”.

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  3. #692
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    Iraq and the United Nations agree on partnership development for five years

    Iraq signed an agreement, the United Nations developmental projects include 200 billion worth of investment in services and economic stimulus and environmental protection for the period between 2010-2014 and Iraq have agreed on the framework of the United Nations Development Partnership as the new Chairperson.

    Aims to promote social services and economic growth over the next five years, including projects worth $ 200 billion in capital investments in services and economic stimulus and environmental protection for the period between 2010-2014. This was announced by the United Nations Office in Iraq, "UNAMI," which pointed out that this action plan is a framework for development assistance of the United Nations to Iraq for the years 2010 to 2014, and agreed upon during a meeting attended by more than 120 representatives from the government and members of the House of Representatives and organizations civil society and international donors and United Nations agencies. explained Christine McNab, Resident Coordinator of United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator in Iraq, the "Development Assistance Framework United Nations is the instrument of the United Nations the most comprehensive to assist countries to meet their international development, come the Millennium Development Goals in place first.

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  5. #693
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    Member List Change Adnan Othman: the paragraphs of the election law demands a decision

    MP from the list of change Adnan Othman said that the list is bound by any decision taken by the Presidency of the Kurdistan region in Shan State election law

    Osman said in a telephone conversation "The response waiting list members of the Presidency and President of the region about the new law as revisionism, which largely meets the wishes of members of the Kurdistan region, pointing out that the change will enter the next legislative elections alone away from any alliance or coalition, and expressed the optimistic members of the List to achieve good results through its branches in all governorates of Iraq."

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  7. #694
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    Iraq leaders seek compromise on election law

    Unified Coalition MP and senior official in Islamic Supreme Council Rida Jawad Taqi revealed that the Presidency commission is holding intensified talks to reach an understanding on the election law without Vice President Tarek Al Hashemi having to veto it again.

    Taqi expects to reach a compromise on the election law, Taqi told Sharq Al Awsat Newspaper.

    Talks are held between President Jalal Talabani, Vice President Adel Abdul Mehdi and Vice President Tarek Al Hashemi to deal with Al Hashemi’s reservations, Taqi said.

    Taqi might call upon the IHEC to find solutions to the right to vote of Iraqis outside the country, he added stressing that the problem is about to be resolved.

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  9. #695
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    Member List Change Adnan Othman: the paragraphs of the election law demands a decision

    MP from the list of change Adnan Othman said that the list is bound by any decision taken by the Presidency of the Kurdistan region in Shan State election law.

    Osman said in a telephone conversation with "The response waiting list members of the Presidency and President of the region about the new law as revisionism, which largely meets the wishes of members of the Kurdistan region, pointing out that the change will enter the next legislative elections alone away from any alliance or coalition, and expressed the optimistic members of the List to achieve good results through its branches in all governorates of Iraq

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  11. #696
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    House Speaker says that the problem of the elections need to be a degree of political wisdom to overcome them

    The President of the House of Representatives Iyad al-Samarrai the hope that there will be a deep study of how to apply the law of elections and the results of the application before taking any position.

    In a statement issued by the Information Office of the President of the House of Representatives, Thursday, to coordinate with the political blocs to achieve compatibility and to avoid delay in the elections and increased tension in the Iraqi street, describing the current situation as very critical need to be a lot of wisdom in addressing them.

    The Office of Samurai regret to overcome the Information Office of the Vice-President Tareq al-Hashemi for clarification to the limits of criticism of others, including House Speaker in a statement issued specifically to view the political stance taken by Hashemi revoke the election law.

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  13. #697
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    A strategic partnership agreement signed by Iraq with the European Union next month

    Signed by Iraq and the European Union next month strategic partnership agreement involving more than 12 industries, in a move that will contribute significantly to the development of relations and cooperation between the two sides.

    Sources close to the government according to the newspaper Al-Sabah, said the draft agreement will be signed by the Iraqi side, Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, or his agent, Dr. Mohammed al-Haj Hammoud, either on the European side Fissemthelh Deputy Director General for Foreign Affairs of the European Commission Hicz Mancarelli.

    It is said that the bilateral negotiations between Iraq and the European Union was concluded in Brussels last week, after nine rounds of talks lasted more than two and a half year. According to sources, the draft convention covers economic, trade, scientific and cultural rights, in addition to the energy represented by the oil and electricity, as well as sectors of human rights and the fight against terrorism and organized crime, money laundering, illegal immigration, theft of antiquities trafficking.

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  15. #698
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    Google's view that Iraq has become a center for the recovery of the business sector

    Said E.xecutive Director of the Google search engine giant Google to the stability of Iraq could lead to many opportunities for businessmen in the country, and information contributes to the changing reality, as quoted by the Wall Street Journal.

    The newspaper said the director of Google's Ark Schmidt visited Iraq this week's delegation headed by Peter Pace, chairman of the Chiefs of Staff, the former, in order to encourage the development of business in Iraq.

    The newspaper quoted Schmidt as saying that after this huge investment in Iraq, see the eventual return to the business sector, adding that the construction of a new Iraqi state eventually means business opportunities for international companies.

    Schmidt added that Google is interested in making sure that Iraq will be a democratic system is open, transparent and Information, after all, make a big difference in the lives of each one.

    The E.xecutive director of Google, the delegation met with military and civilian leaders in Baghdad, said it was clear that the government [of Iraq] now reaching out to business, trying to make them begin to turn Baalmip reconstruction of Iraq.

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  17. #699
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    MP Wael Abdul Latif denies a deal with Al-Hashimi to the election law

    Deny the House of Representatives member Wael Abdul Latif, who spoke on the news To reach agreement with Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi on the election law, which Intdhar was refuted by al-Hashemi.

    Abdul Latif said in a telephone conversation with (News Agency, Iraqi Information / conscious) "When the response of a presidential veto, whether or ratification to the Parliament and distributed to its members only then we can talk formally and without this all you hear is hearsay and can not be lulled to in any case."

    "Abdel-Latif," Mr. Hashemi if he had read the law carefully to what we have left undone for the seats and the election machinery abroad to vote and the Electoral Commission for elections because they are technical matters, and not something else is with regret when you overturn the law left the country in political crisis and is now supposed to be signed by the Presidency of law then go to the facts of Iraq to work by the Commission, and thereafter Possible for negotiations to settle the dispute over seats, some believe they lost in some provinces such as Anbar and Diyala and Nineveh. "He said

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  19. #700
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    MP Haydar Jourani: There is a deliberate intention of al-Hashemi to postpone the elections

    Rep. Haider Jourani the United Iraqi Alliance, there are signs indicating a deliberate intention by Dr. Tariq al-Hashemi and those who stand with him to postpone the elections.

    The Jourani in a telephone conversation "Yesterday we heard a spokesman for Dr. Tareq al-Hashemi said the law was not up to the Presidency and will take several days to get as sources confirm that the House of Representatives sent a cherished N to the Presidency after the day of the vote and was approved by the President and Vice President Adel Abdul-Mahdi."

    The Jourani that "the news leaked from Hashemi's office denied access law confirms that a deliberate intention to disrupt the elections in real time All of the tense does not indicate the view of the careful and well-established, but oscillating, especially after not convinced al-Hashemi, the amended Act and that he mourns for the first veto since he was equitable."

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