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  1. #741
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    Bolani expected to hold elections at the end of next March

    Interior Minister Jawad al-Bolani said the upcoming elections will not be held as scheduled in the sixteenth of January this year and is expected to take place with the end of March next year.

    He attributed the cause to the veto Bolani electoral law and lack of access to political consensus around the points at issue in the law.

    The Bolani, in a statement to the BBC that the absence of dialogue and giving priority to the conscious narrow partisan interests was the main reason behind the postponement of approval of the electoral law.

    Expected to carry the next election surprises and changes in the country's political process, stressing that Iraq is facing a political challenge, not a security challenge, a challenge which contribute to internal political forces and regional.

    Bolani said the security reality in Iraq, security has improved significantly over the past two Almaditien despite the seriousness of violations faced by Iraqi forces, offering condolences to the nature of management and overlapping institutions and agencies working in it, and not to grant the full responsibility of his ministry to oversee it

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  3. #742
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    The announcement of the failure to reach any agreement on the election law

    MP Omar Karbouli said discussions continue between the political forces and the United Nations Mission in Iraq and the U.S. Embassy on the one hand and Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi on the other hand Halhp crisis, the election law.

    Karbouli said in a press statement that things are still below the acceptable level and reasonable, describing the proposal to pass the election law and then make amendments to it that it is not practical:

    The proposal to resolve the crisis Karbouli election law provides for an adjustment Hashemi invalidate the law under which the Parliament then amended.

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  5. #743
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    Talks ongoing to defuse Iraq poll law crisis

    Talks are ongoing to reach a compromise on the election law. Yet, statements have manifested in a deadlock.

    Tajdid List MP Omar Al Karbouli said Iraq’s political powers, the United Nations Commission in Iraq and the US Embassy are presently holding talks with Iraqi Vice President Tarek Al Hashemi to defuse the crisis, he added.

    Al Hashemi did not yet receive the IHEC response regarding guarantees by political parties on the number of seats in Iraqi provinces, VP’s media office spokesman Abdullah Kazem said.

    Al Hashemi is asking for written guarantees to ratify the law, Kazem added.

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  7. #744
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    Al Maliki: Iraq election law way out coming up

    Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Al Maliki affirmed that resolving election law row is imminent.

    Iraqi Vice President Tarek Al Hashemi’s veto of the law is a constitutional breach, Al Maliki said.

    In a visit to Karbala City aimed at inaugurating a number of services projects, Al Maliki called upon Iraqis to take part in elections.

    Al Maliki denied on the other hand any attempts by the government to reconcile with “Baathists and sectarians” accusing some political parties of bidding to reengage Baathists in power through national reconciliation, he noted.

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  9. #745
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    MP-Azzawi: a proposal to pass the election law Amraghiramli

    A member of the Iraqi parliament Rashid al-Azzawi, "that the talks are still Mtwa Categories To resolve the crisis, the election law Between the political forces and the United Nations Mission in Iraq and the U.S. Embassy on the one hand and Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi of the other."

    Al-Azzawi said in a telephone conversation - "What is still below the acceptable level and reasonable, Describing " Proposal to pass the election law and then make amendments to it that it is not practical, noting that "the solution is completed by submitting a proposal Requires an adjustment Hashemi invalidate the law under which the Parliament to amend it and this comes out of Parliament from the crisis that took it."

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  11. #746
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    Default 16:10 gmt

    Hashemi's office describes the ongoing discussions on the electoral law without the fruitful

    Abdelilah described Kadhim, spokesman for Vice President Tariq al-Hashimi talks currently under way to ease the crisis, the election law without fruit so far.

    Kazim said in an interview with "Radio Sawa" that political parties did not reach so far to the formula to return the seats taken out of the provinces:

    The Kazem al-Hashemi to resort to overturn the law if the talks continue at the same pace:

    He appealed to political blocs Kazem make greater efforts to resolve the crisis, once again stressing the need to find a formula that preserve the rights of the provinces:


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  13. #747
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    Continuing controversy over the election law

    Excluded from the list, the Iraqi Deputy Jamal watermelon political blocs to reach a solution to the crisis on the Law of the legislative elections.

    He attributed the melon in an interview with "Radio Sawa" crisis continues to hold each of the different parties position.

    He expressed concern about running out of watermelon the appeal without reaching a satisfactory result among the political parties, weighted by the complexity of the political process with near the end of the term of the Government, which may be forced Parliament to enact a new law for the elections.

    Furthermore, U.S. Vice President of the Kurdistan Alliance bloc Saadi Barzanji the position of the bloc's proposal not to adopt the statistics that depend on the ration card, he said, adding that the statistics for the ration card is questionable and "is false and unreliable."

    Chairman of the Legal Bahaa al pointed out that the conversations that take place between the political blocs on the election law is illegal "and that the House of Representatives voted, and the Presidency either veto or approval."

    "They said that" the actions of "Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi unconstitutional led to obtain what he called foreign interventions.

    Deputy Prime Minister Rafie al-Issawi, which sponsors the debates between the political blocs on the law of elections, he expressed the hope that a solution is found to the crisis of the law by next Thursday.


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  15. #748
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    MP Haji Hassan: It is not possible for anyone to extend the government in Iraq without the consent of the House of Representatives

    MP from the Kurdistan Alliance nice Haji Hassan said, "the House of Representatives next week to vote on extending the current legislative session for another month to settle the differences that occurred by the Parliament House and it is not possible to make the current government caretaker government without the consent of council members."

    Hassan said in a telephone conversation with (News Agency, Iraqi Information / conscious) "The parliament, which was able to lead the political process in Iraq and initiated many of the Laws can be led for another month, stressing that" this proposal will have the consent of a majority of members."

    In a related context, Hassan stressed that "talks are continuing, with Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi in order to reach a solution to the electoral law acceptable to all parties," pointing at the same time need not to allow others to exploit the law to set aside an election campaign."

  16. #749
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    VP, deputy PM to announce joining Iraqi National Movement after Eid

    Iraqi Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi, Deputy Prime Minister Rafie al-Issawi and the head of the National Assembly of Iraqis, Osama al-Nujaifi, will announce their joining of the Iraqi National Movement after Eidul Adha (Muslim festival), an official spokesperson for the movement said on Monday.

    “The blocs which will join the Iraqi National Movement will be announced immediately after the Eid holiday,” Jamal al-Bateekh told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

    The Iraqi National Movement, which includes the head of the Iraqi National List (INL), Iyad Allawi; the head of the Iraqi Front for National Dialogue, Saleh al-Mutlaq and other politicians, saw the light of day on Oct. 26.

  17. #750
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    Hashemi tells Biden he received no solutions for election bill

    The Iraqi Vice President told his U.S. counterpart over the phone on Monday that he has not yet recognized tangible solutions with regards to the problems related to the election law.

    Al-Hashemi promised to be flexible in dealing with proposals that “restore rights to its people,” while Biden expressed his wishes that a just, consensus solution for the problems would be achieved as soon as possible.

    “Biden stressed that the U.S. does not intend to intervene in Iraq’s local issues,” said a release issued by al-Hashemi’s office and received by Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

    For his part, al-Hashemi described the current bill as “ill,” and that “time is passing without seeing a tangible treatment.”

    Iraqi legislators approved a law regarding the election earlier this month that was vetoed by Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi.

    An amended version of the law is currently before Iraq’s three-member Presidential Board, composed of President Jalal Talabani, a Kurd, and vice presidents Hashemi, a Sunni, and Adel Abdel Mehdi, a Shiite.
    Only one of them needs to veto the bill for it to be sent back to Parliament.

    The United States has put pressure on Iraqi politicians to avoid a delay as Washington seeks to ensure that the pullout of thousands of troops stationed in the country go ahead on schedule.

    Iraq’s constitution requires that the poll be held by January 31.

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