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  1. #751
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    Lawmaker urges Presidential Council to approve Election Law

    MP from the United Iraqi Alliance, Haydar al-Abadi, called on the Presidential Board to speed up approving the election law, according to a statement.

    “Al-Abadi urged the Presidential Board to approve the election law to enable the Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) to undertake its tasks,” said the statement received by Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

    “Distributing parliament’s seats to provinces should be fair,” he said.

    Efforts by Iraq’s Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) were delayed after Iraqi Vice President Tareq al-Hashimi vetoed some items in the election law, triggering political commotion which caused some to view the veto as an “obstacle” hampering the elections to be held on time.

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  3. #752
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    Iraqi Private entrepreneurs urged to invest in Iraqi power sector

    Iraqi private entrepreneurs now have the right to build power stations and sell their output to the national grid, the Electricity Minister Kareem Waheed said.

    Waheed made the remarks in a meeting with Sami Al-Araji, chairman of Iraq’s National Investment Board.

    The move comes following reports of that the national grid was still facing serious problems, with its generating capacity declining despite the pouring of billions of dollars to rehabilitate the sector.

    Waheed said entrepreneurs willing to invest now have the opportunity to start constructing small-and medium-sized power plants in the country.

    He said engineering designs were ready along with government guarantees and benefits to prospective investors.

    He describe the move “as a turning point” in his ministry’s plans so that private investors will “play a role in boosting power generating capacity.”

    A statement issued by the ministry urged the investors to come forward, but gave no details on the type of plants, their location, and type of guarantees the government is willing to provide.\kurd.htm

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  5. #753
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    Center for Economic Information: the absence of legal framework for the real estate market plunged in the chaos of speculation

    The Center for Economic Information Iraqi government to intervene to regulate the real estate market and work to reduce the continuing high prices in Baghdad and the provinces. Legislation calling for laws that facilitated the purchase of a residential unit owned and expediting the completion of plans to curb the housing crisis.

    Omar said Khuzai, a member center, told the independent press (Iba) announced today that the leading indicators have worsened the housing crisis is the lack of housing projects and the absence of legal framework to regulate the real estate market, which led to drown in the chaos of speculation and became the construction of housing units difficult for the citizen.

    He added that the expansion of projects, companies and the Ministry of Construction and Housing specialized in partnership with foreign companies which are now looking for a job market after the global financial crisis, the best solution. He stressed that the problem of housing should be a priority prior to the Government.

    He Khuzai some owners who buy real estate funds and plots of land in different places in order to re-sell at exorbitant prices, had a role in raising prices, they managed by the absence of control and exploitation of the special circumstances of the former state to impose their law based on private greed.

    There was a security and economic reasons that led to several continuing housing crisis and prompted the gradual rise in the price per square meter, which reached more than $ 1000 in some areas of the capital.

    Khuzai and urged those responsible to prepare a comprehensive plan to control prices and ongoing follow-up and direct contacts with regulatory agencies, to ensure the provision of housing units and affordable, both government employee or employees in the private sector.

    The Astmrarartvaa real estate prices and rental housing units were disappointing to our citizens to own a house or apartment

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  7. #754
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    Hashemi and Biden, the stage of the election law

    Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi had not touched after the solutions to problems raised on the election law, promising to deal flexibly with the solutions that restores the right to redress.

    A statement of the Office of the Vice-President Hashemi received a telephone call from U.S. Vice President Joe Biden in which he wished to resolve the outstanding issues on the election law and hope that the Iraqis to reach a fair compromise as soon as possible.

    The Biden, according to the statement of understanding of the sensitivity of this subject, stressing at the same time, the unwillingness of the United States to intervene in the internal affairs of Iraq, praising the role of al-Hashemi and flexibility to reach a solution that can be overcome imbalances got to go beyond the constitutional materials objectionable materials certified by the House of Representatives , understood the role that al-Hashemi and duty towards his country according to the Constitution.

    The statement quoted Hashemi as saying that the law is still sick and they heard about finding solutions to the problem of calculation and other overseas voters to re-seat the provinces that has been waived by without the right to not touch him or her yet.

    The Vice-President of the Republic and their position is still unclear when the promise of flexibility in dealing with any solution that restores the right to redress but the time passes without seeing did not really left with no decision-making much more.


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  9. #755
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    Osman: serious concerns over the constitutional vacuum

    Counting Iraqi MP Mohamed Amin Osman, member of the Accordance Front, the fuel issue aside, Iraqi Vice President Tariq al-Hashimi to the materials in the new election law due to fear of access to the political problem that can reach a political crisis, a constitutional vacuum in the country.

    Attorney Osman said in a press statement from Damascus that the Iraqi constitution, select the month of January next at the latest possible time for the elections matter, "and when beyond this month, without elections, we disagree with the Constitution. Omar the current parliament ends on 16/3/2010 and after this date will be There is a constitutional vacuum, political, and there will be a political crisis in Iraq."


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  11. #756
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    Member of the Bahraini parliament site Nun: the democratic experiment in Iraq, a new experience and you need patience to take root when the Iraqi people

    A member of the Legislative Committee of the House of Representatives of Bahrain's democratic experiment in Iraq as a new experience and requires a period of time and patience to take root when the Iraqi people.

    Mr. Maki said farewell during his visit the city of Karbala and perform ceremonies to visit the holy sites "that the political process and the paradigm shift that has gripped Iraq need of course to the period of time sufficient to take root when the Iraqi people, adding that" the reality in Iraq is currently witnessing a lot of bumps and obstacles, including exterior and interior of this requires patience and ask God to be conscious of our brothers in Iraq where they are and that everyone is seeking to give priority to the common good over personal interests."

    "I see that the political transition in the Iraq post-2003 commensurate with the ambition I had was popular many connections in Iraq, despite the difficult conditions experienced by the people of this country I find myself more freely than I had in the days of the former regime, and I think that this affected the rights of Iraqis in addition to the main street in the past was not the subject of discussion or hiss when the Iraqis but now everyone speak out what he wants and pass through various media.

    Meanwhile, a member of the Legislative Committee of the House of Representatives of Bahrain, "The relationship between the governments and regimes in general in the Arab and Islamic worlds and the people's representatives in the Chambers of Deputies relationship unhealthy completeness, because, as is well known that the supposed democratic systems which Talpsna the form means that the governing People itself, and the meaning that the separation between the government of ballot boxes but the reality is quite the opposite.

    He added that the "command and government leaders is, of course, whatever the denomination, and here there are always incorrect relationship between them and the people and we're trying to MPs to have some areas that we can through the cordon, which the government imposed by Governments."


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  13. #757
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    Allawi: There are external influences on the Iraqi decision to pass some laws

    Warned of the Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi of the consequences of postponement of legislative elections until after the middle of March next, referring to the possibility of a constitutional vacuum in the political process.

    Allawi said in a press statement that there are external influences on the Iraqi decision to pass some laws.

    It is noteworthy that the parliamentary parties have been going to meet to end the ongoing dispute over the proportion of seats given to itinerant abroad, as well as rates of a number of provinces.


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  15. #758
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    Omar al-Jubouri: amending the election law was under a political deal and the Hashemite undone

    He called on the Arab Kirkuk Omar al-Jubouri Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi to set aside the law of re-election, describing the amendment to the law that was under a political deal "cheap".

    The Jubouri in contact with the agency and the independent press (Iba) on Tuesday that the veto not mean to disable one of the rights of one of the components for the Defense of Troubleshooter formula to the current political process "was built wrong." (As he put it).

    He said that al-Hashemi said of him making a mistake he will not committed, as happened in the Constitution, pointing out that acceptance by the political agreement will not have any legal value.

    The negotiations take place at the home of Deputy Prime Minister Rafie al-Issawi to attain a political agreement on the distribution of parliamentary seats to the provinces, in an attempt to not break the election law again.

    Jubouri and amending the election law by "offense" committed by the political forces and will be legally after the constitutional deadline of veto, stressing that the beneficiaries of the "offense" who knew the first option in the electoral law will stick to it as the law demands to ignore the political agreement because it does not its value rise over the legal option ratified.

    He stressed that the solution lies first to denounce the law to return it to the House again in order to raise the error which was developed in contrast to the Constitution and the law.

    He explained that it was somewhat Hashr practice of "cheap political deals," which, unfortunately, voted by the House of Representatives, despite the clear constitutional violation of the first, confirmed violating the provisions of Article 2 of the Act itself, which has not expired it addresses the same subject in the previous option.

    The Kurdistan Alliance has used the veto law to submit a proposal which had been relied on records of the voters in 2005 with the adoption of an increase of 2.8% for all the provinces for the purpose of calculating the parliamentary seats for each province.

    He Jubouri that what is happening in connection with reaching a political agreement on the identification of the seats in the provinces just throwing sand in the eyes (as he put it) because there is no significant in that only legal option ..

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  17. #759
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    Iraq November death toll lowest since 2003 ministries

    A total of 122 people died as a result of violence across Iraq last month, the lowest toll since the US-led invasion of 2003, official data showed on Tuesday.

    Statistics compiled by the ministries of defence, interior and health showed that 88 civilians, 22 policemen and 12 soldiers were killed last month.

    The figures were all markedly lower than those for October, when violence killed a total of 410 people across Iraq, most notably in twin suicide vehicle bombings near government offices in Baghdad that left more than 150 dead.

    In addition to those killed in attacks in November, 332 civilians were wounded along with 56 policemen and 44 soldiers. Thirty-eight insurgents were killed and 510 arrested, according to the ministries.

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  19. #760
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    US views Iraq poll law debate as democratic

    Present debate among Iraq political parties over amending the election law is a manifestation of democracy as in many countries, the US Embassy in Baghdad said.

    Independent High Electoral Commission has no longer much time to complete technical and logistic preparations on time for scheduled elections, media spokesman for US Embassy in Baghdad Philip Frayne told Alsumaria News.

    Washington will not interfere in the formation of the next Iraqi Government which it considers as an internal affair, Frayne stressed refusing as well any neighboring interference in Iraq elections in order to ensure transparent outcome, he added.

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