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  1. #761
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    Iraq safe from Dubai crisis fallout

    Dubai financial crisis does not affect Iraq’s real estate and monetary markets, Iraq’s central bank economic expert Bassem Abdul Mehdi said.

    Iraq lives in economic isolation and is not linked to Dubai market or any other monetary market in the world, Abdul Mehdi added.

    Iraq’s real estate market is essential as it does not cover local needs estimated at 3 million residential units, the economic expert explained affirming that all aforementioned factors protect Iraq’s economy from Dubai crisis effects.

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  3. #762
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    Iraq VP: Election law still in deadlock

    Iraqi Vice President Tarek Al Hashemi told US Vice President Joseph Biden on Monday in a phone call conversation that the election law is still gripped by a deadlock.

    The election law is still flawed and all attempts to include votes of Iraqis outside the country and reconsider the number of seats in provinces have not yet come to fruition, Al Hashemi said in a statement.

    VP’s stand is still flexible towards all rightful solutions, yet, time is passing with no tangible results, the statement added.

    Joseph Biden urged Iraqi leaders to solve the election law pending issue hoping that Iraqis would reach fair consensus as soon as possible, Biden said.

    The United States has no intention to interfere in Iraq’s internal affairs, he added.

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  5. #763
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    Increasing investment companies in the Middle East in Iraq

    While Western companies snapped up big huge deals in Iraq's energy smaller regional companies are working from Iran to Turkey in the lull to build a wider there by pumping billions of dollars in housing projects and other projects.

    And increased commitments by companies to invest in Iraq with a sudden violence has sharply declined and requested the government to help rebuild after years of war, sanctions and violence.

    The Office of High Frontier Advisory in the report that investors have announced projects worth about 156.7 billion dollars in Iraq this year is not likely to be implemented all of them.

    The focus of most light on the large deals concluded by the major oil companies like Exxon Mobil Corp.. Me to develop oil fields but the cost is high security - which represents 26 percent of the total cost, according to one estimate - Western deter the investment of their money in other sectors.

    While there is increasing number of investors in the activity of Iranian religious tourism companies dominate the market in Turkey on the Kurdish north and command the Gulf companies run by Iraqi expatriates, some deals set up.

    Analysts said that a Middle Eastern company may become more frequent to work in difficult environments and can more easily deal with red tape and corruption in Iraq.

    At a time when most will not implement the investment projects announced in Iraq, but it seems that the presence of regional companies is becoming increasingly apparent.

    Turkish companies to invest in projects in North and intends to establish a project to develop a multi-activities in the south worth eight billion dollars, while dealing with the Iranian tourism companies in support of the pilgrims to the holy cities of Najaf and Karbala, in addition to industrial projects in Basra in the south.

    Was opened by Lebanese banks, investors and intend to establish residential projects for dairy products in Diwaniya, worth up to $ 500 million, while the Emirati investors looking to establish residential and infrastructure projects.

    The Office of the High Consultative Emirates has emerged as the largest foreign investor in Iraq this year, with pledges amounting to $ 37.7 billion followed by South Korea the United States.

    In view of the smaller agreements even more clear picture of the parties that have a presence in the wider Iraq.

    He added that the Office of the High Lebanon tops the list of investment deals that have less than one billion dollars, followed by South Korea, and Iran is the UAE and Turkey.


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  7. #764
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    President Talabani discusses with Biden's Iraqi-US relations and the question of the election law

    Received President Jalal Talabani, a telephone call from U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden, in which he offered his warm congratulations on the occasion of the Eid al-Adha, wishing him good health and full of the Iraqi people more stability, harmony and progress.

    Said in a statement the presidency said that President Talabani expressed his thanks and gratitude of the great U.S. Vice President to congratulate him, stressing the importance of strengthening the strong ties of friendship between Iraq and the United States of America. The statement added that during the call, the exchange of views on the general political situation in Iraq, in particular the need to access blocks political agreement on amending the election law as a prelude to the coming legislative elections.


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  9. #765
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    Ghraib: Hashemi will try to get out of the crisis set aside the law

    Minister of Municipalities and Public Works, Riad Ghraib, that the Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi is difficult to invalidate the amendments to the electoral law at this time because the country will live in a constitutional vacuum.

    Insisted that the next election, if not on time, Iraq will live in a constitutional void. The strange that the case had reached an impasse and need to be graduation and I think that I will respond to al-Hashemi of pressure exerted by all the political parties, but after graduation found for this impasse.


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  11. #766
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    Abd Mutlaq al-Jubouri: the fate of Kirkuk is still not known and must be determined in the next sessions

    MP said the Arab bloc independent Abd Mutlaq al-Jubouri said that amending the election law passed after the judge revoked Hashemi and truncates the number of seats from the provinces, could modify the decision of the Federal Court.

    In press statements pointing out that the fear over the fate of Kirkuk, according to the current election law, the issue is still controversial because the fate of Kirkuk is still not known. He pointed out that Article 6 of the amended election law is still not clear and must talk about it in the Council to define the the position of the governorate of Kirkuk in the coming elections.


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  13. #767
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    Tariq al-Hashemi of Biden solutions to the election law is still not concrete

    Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi that his attitude toward the election law and clear, he said when receiving a phone call from his U.S. counterpart, Joseph Biden, "We are still at the promised flexibility in dealing with any solution that restores the right to redress, but the time passes without actually seeing were left with decision a lot."

    A statement by the Office of the Vice President of the Republic received - Hashemi stressed during the call that "the law is still sick, and what we heard to find solutions to the problem of calculating the voters abroad, the other seats on the return of the provinces that has been waived it without a right, not yet evident," and expressed gratitude to the Vice President for his initiative and good willingness to provide possible assistance, as well as an invitation to visit United States next month, where His Excellency promised to study and respond in the near future.

    For his part, Biden desire to resolve outstanding issues on the election law, and expressed his wishes that the Iraqis to reach a fair compromise as soon as possible, expressing at the same time understanding the sensitivity of the topic.

    The Vice-President to the unwillingness of American States of interfering in the internal affairs of Iraq, valuing the role of Deputy and flexibility to reach a solution through which the constitutional defect PL got to go beyond material objectionable materials certified by the Council of Representatives, comprehension for his al-Hashemi of the role and duty towards their country according to the Constitution

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  15. #768
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    Jobaidn pressure to pass the election law and the Iraqi politicians are optimistic about approving the law / report

    The issue of elections, the most prominent event on the Iraqi political arena over the past two months, which dropped on the Iraqi scene Bdilalha internally and externally after the crisis experienced by the election law in that the deficit of Iraqi politicians to find a solution satisfactory to all parties, and tried to relieve the crisis, the U.S. administration use its influence through its ambassador in Baghdad, which contributed to inter proposals before the vote on the law and succeeded in the approach to the parties on the wording of the law that was later reversed by the Vice-President of the Republic, which introduced the law in a new crisis after the vote again before the House of Representatives has not managed to get out a compromise formula on the objections Hashemi and seems to have led the U.S. administration reiterated that once again throwing its weight to press for a law was passed through the contacts made by U.S. Vice President Joe Biden's plan to divide Iraq.

    Biden has also contacted the president Jalal Talabani congratulatory at the same time there was talk of the election law and stressed the importance Urged the political blocs to reach agreement on amending the electoral law as a prelude to the forthcoming legislative elections on time.

    On the other hand received Dr. Rafie al-Issawi Deputy Prime Minister a phone call from U.S. Vice President Joe Biden. The two sides discussed developments in the political situation in Iraq.

    The Issawi through dial-up by U.S. Vice President continued contacts between the parliamentary blocs to reach a formula acceptable to the election law and determine the number of seats allocated to the provinces and ensure the involvement of Iraqis abroad in the voting process.

    For his part, Biden said the U.S. government's position in support of efforts to achieve political consensus among the parliamentary blocs and approval of the election law and the need to hold them on time the constitutional.

    Biden was introduced in the contacts with Iraqi officials told a number of MPs and officials to let the importance of holding elections on time and confirm that delaying the elections will lead the country in a real crisis and constitutional vacuum has dire consequences for the situation in Iraq is concerned.

    Has shown, Dr. Fuad Masum, chairman of the Kurdistan Alliance bloc in the House of Representatives was optimistic that an agreement on the election law.

    He is infallible in a press statement, "I think that the result will come to a solution that fits everyone to pass the election law, I do not think that Mr. Hashemi will invalidate the law that was amended at the veto it."

    Masum said Hashimi, knows that in the case set aside the amended Act for the second time, the crisis will be much bigger and I do not think it works and initiate such action, revealing that there are efforts by the Parliament and political figures to arrive at the formulation of legal and constitutional then meet everyone.

    The infallible to the Kurdistan Coalition, unfortunately, did not have the holiday of Eid al-Adha, because in the case of a permanent meeting, and consultation with other political blocs and the parliament, to study the ideas and formulations of the law in order to reach an acceptable outcome in the case of conviction ideas being put forward, noting that the time is short, especially that the holiday came to delay the meetings of Parliament, however, we are optimistic that the elections will be held on time.

    For his part, warned the President of the Islamic Supreme Council Mr. Ammar al-Hakim's attempts to undermine the political process, stressing that attempts are doomed to failure.

    It is noticeable that al-Hakim's speech made no mention of the election law and the standoff between the House and Vice President of the Republic on the law, but rather focused on the elections and the need to adhere to the rules of the electoral propaganda, the right and away from the policy of the miscarriage and defamation.

    Hakim also called on all media, preachers and elders to their efforts to convince Iraqis, with broad participation in the elections.

    Wise and tried to reassure all parties by calling To make efforts to achieve a state of national consensus among all Iraqis, promising to defend all their rights and to ensure balance and broad participation in the upcoming parliamentary elections.

    "We want Alantakbat an internal warning of foreign intervention.

    In the same context, warned Minister of Municipalities and Public Works, Riad Ghraib, that failure to hold elections on schedule, it will enter Iraq in the constitutional vacuum.

    Stressing that the Vice-President of the Republic Tareq al-Hashemi is difficult to invalidate the amendments to the electoral law this time because the country will live in a constitutional vacuum.

    The strange "that the issue had reached an impasse and need to graduate and I think that I will respond to al-Hashemi of pressure exerted by all the political parties, but after graduation to find this impasse."

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    MP: Election Commission continued its activities despite the warm-veto election law

    The Chairman of the Committee of the Regions and governorates that the Office of the parliamentary election continues Bonctadtha the pre-election contrary to what the next announcement Qasim writes on the freezing of the Commission for its work following the veto election law.

    Hashim al-Tai said in a press statement on Monday that denominator bonded member of the Electoral Commission had announced earlier in protest to stop the activities of the Commission to repeal the law, noting that the decision was not realistic.

    He explained that the rest of the members of the commission did not agree with what was announced by Aboudi, where they continued to exercise special technical Ajraithm election out of their use of time remaining, he said.

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  19. #770
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    UN assisting Iraqi leaders trying to resolve election law deadlock

    The United Nations mission in Iraq is trying to help the country’s leaders resolve differences over national elections that have delayed holding the poll by its constitutional deadline of January.

    Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s Special Representative Ad Melkert “has responded positively to multiple suggestions to assist in finding solutions for the few outstanding questions concerning the election law,” the UN Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) said in a news release. “He has been using his good offices during his various consultations with all political leaders in order to assist in reaching an agreement.

    “UNAMI strongly supports the efforts undertaken to clarify voting for Iraqis abroad, as well as the inclusion in the law of the distribution of seats among the governorates, and the announcement of a final election date, with 27 February 2010 as a feasible option for practical and constitutional reasons.”

    The electoral law providing for January’s poll was vetoed by the Sunni member of Iraq’s three-member Presidency Council last month, sending it back to the Council of Representatives. At the time Mr. Ban voiced the hope that the Council of Representatives would move swiftly to ensure that a law was adopted and elections could go forward.

    “The Secretary-General also reaffirms the United Nations commitment to support and assist the Independent High Electoral Commission in preparation for the forthcoming national elections,” Mr. Ban spokesperson said then.

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