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  1. #771
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    Iraqi blocs bid to solve elections deadlock

    The meeting that was held at the house of the head of Iraq List Ayad Allawi and attended by representatives of parliamentary blocs failed to reach any agreement regarding elections law.

    Sadr Bloc MP Nassar Al Rubaii told AFP after the meeting that political efforts are exerted in order to reach a political agreement regarding the law and added that the different parties are getting closer from reaching an agreement regarding the controversial issues between the political blocs.

    Rubaii said that the upcoming 48 hours are very important and critical as they separate vice president’s veto and whether the Eid’s holiday was included in the legal term or not.

    As if it was not included the law will be subject to veto next Tuesday but if the Eid’s holiday was included in the term Hashimi will veto the law next Friday.

    Vice Premier Rafeh Al Issawi, Iraq Vice President Adel Abdul Mahdi and Al Hashimi and the member of the Unified Coalition Hadi Al Amiri attended the meeting.

    A source told Al Sabah Newspaper that the attendants discussed election’s law and means to reach an agreement between the different parties and stressed that the meeting’s ambiances were positive.

    The source said that the majority of the parties gave suggestions and agreed to hold another meeting today in order to carry on talks in a bid to solve elections’ law crisis.

  2. #772
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    Sunni tribes protest Iraq’s election law

    Sunni tribal leaders in the northern city of Mosul led protests against the election law.

    They and their members demonstrated peacefully in the center of the city, saying the new controversial law does not treat the Province of Nineveh, of which Mosul is the capital, fairly.

    The elections under the new law were to be held in January but a veto by a vice-president has thrown doubt on whether they will be held on schedule.

    Nineveh Governor Atheel al-Najafi said following the demonstration that his province rejects the law and would not take part in the elections if held in January.

    He said the law has reduced the number of deputies representing Nineveh and urged the province’s people “to stage more peaceful protest against the law.”

    The demonstrations were to show the government that “Nineveh cannot be marginalized” and it should be given fair representation in the legislature, a provincial statement said.

    Mosul is Iraq’s second largest city but it suffers from lack of security and ongoing strife among its ethnic, religious and sectarian groups.

    Iraqi Sunnis in general are unhappy about the law and the provinces where they make the majority have openly oppose some of its paragraphs.\kurd.htm

  3. #773
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    Iyad Allawi: meeting of the leaders and representatives of the political blocs to resolve election law

    The President of the Iraqi National List of Iyad Allawi's political blocs to reach a convergence of views on the election law.

    Allawi said in a statement that the differences are confined to a narrow area, and expressed the hope that an agreement is reached on the amended law during the meeting of leaders and representatives of the political blocs to be held on Thursday at the headquarters of the National Accord Movement.

  4. #774
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    Talabani and Maliki: the need to hold elections on schedule

    The Iraqi President Jalal Talabani and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on the need to pass the amended election law and not to postpone the elections.

    At a news conference the two sides on Wednesday evening at the residence of the President Ahamhorip in Baghdad, Talabani said "the law must be passed quickly and not to postpone the elections," adding that the constitution had given the three presidencies of the right to extend the parliament for one month to avoid any constitutional vacuum may cause postponement of the elections. "

    Talabani stressed that the government of Maliki, is a "government of national unity and would remain in place until the end of the mandate of the current parliament" in response to calls by making the government of the caretaker government ahead of elections.

    For his part, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki that the elections will be postponed because it might mean "the destruction of everything we built, and sacrificed for him in the political process," noting that the election law will go and it only pass in the Chamber of Deputies vote by the majority required for the third time.


  5. #775
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    Tima: amended by the House of Representatives has contributed to the complexity of the issue of election law

    MP's parliamentary bloc virtue Ammar Tohme said the amendment that was made by the Council of Representatives contributed to the complexity of the issue and discussions on the law of elections.

    The taste told Khabar news agency that this conflict created the intersections between the first article which refers to the number of Council seats are distributed to the provinces and the second article in a manner calculated distribution and the article refers to the adoption of statistical and Department of Commerce in 2009 and the second article refers to statistics of 2005, noting the existence of efforts between the presidency Republic and the UN High Commissioner for out of this conflict and the presence of a formula to solve this conflict and contradiction between the adoption of the articles clear and unified mechanism in the distribution and calculating the number of seats in the provinces and if there is agreement on these points would be ratification of the law, ruling that the Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi to veto the law once again.


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  7. #776
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    Kurdish parliamentary source: al-Hashemi and beyond the demands of political goals hostile to the Kurdistan Region

    A source in the lower house of Parliament from the Kurdistan Alliance, who requested anonymity, said his bloc would reject any change in the latest amendment to the electoral law, passed by a majority of the Iraqi parliament, and add to the magazine "Baghdad" The proposals do not meet the real situation of the population of the Kurdistan region, and stressed The question of withdrawal of the Kurds of the election still exist.

    The source, to hold the Tariq al-Hashemi, the former number of parliamentary seats in the provinces of Mosul, Salahuddin, Diyala, Kirkuk, shows that behind the demands for political purposes hostile to the people of Kurdistan.

    Indicated that all eyes were directed today to the critical position which will be announced by Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi of the next election, identified in the February 27, when they are expected to be held the last press conference today announcing the position, and simultaneously in contact on more than one level to end the crisis law where the expected position of Kurdish political agreements reached by the leaders on the end of the day or overturn the law extended to four more days, but that Hashemi indicates satisfaction with the solution that was reached in connection with Iraqis of representation abroad.

    This continued with Iraqi leaders meetings in which representatives of political forces in the House and Vice President Adel Abdul-Mahdi and al-Hashemi in an attempt to overcome the obstacle distribution of parliamentary seats to the provinces where al-Hashemi objected to overturn the law, which previously granted parliamentary seats, the Kurdish provinces at the expense of other provinces such as Mosul and Salah Din, Kirkuk and Diyala. But Hashemi refers to satisfaction with the solution that was reached in connection with the representation of overseas Iraqis of the House of Representatives Bmsawathm Bnakhbay home. After a meeting at the headquarters of the leader of the Patriotic Movement of former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi, was attended by Vice President Abdul Mahdi al-Hashemi and Deputy Prime Minister Rafie al-Hashemi, the representatives of the political blocs last night, it was agreed to keep the provincial quota of seats as the previous and compensate Kurds extra seats and increase the number of parliamentary seats to 325 of the 275 seats, as is the case now.


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  9. #777
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    Hashim al-Tai: the elections are not within the constitutional deadline and less than two months or three months

    Likely the Chairman of the Committee of the Regions and Governorates parliamentary Hashim al-Tai should be no settlement of the electoral law under which elections will be held early next year.

    He said al-Tai, a representative of the Iraqi Islamic Party in press statements Thursday that the dialogues that took place in the home of Deputy Prime Minister Rafie al-Issawi, was ailing and not a reassuring level.

    Tai and the Alliance of Kurdistan and Iraqi Alliance and the rest of the lists say that a solution is possible, and wish the same time that there is no recourse Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi to overturn the law again.

    He added that the elections had not done within the constitutional deadline, and more than two months to three or four months, and will thus be the Iraqi government and the parliament and the judiciary, including the outside cover constitutional, that is, there will be a constitutional vacuum.

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  11. #778
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    The national movement calling for enactment of a law makes the government the current caretaker government

    Called the National Movement, led by former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi's parliament legislation a law that makes the current government caretaker government during the run-up to the forthcoming parliamentary elections.

    He attributed the spokesman for the movement of this claim to ensure the integrity of elections and not to manipulate public money through the use of campaigning as he put it. He noted in a press statement that this was not intended by any hand, because this measure in place in the countries of the world, Governments will be during the election caretaker government to ensure the integrity and democracy.

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  13. #779
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    United Nations is entering the debate between political parties on the date of the election

    The United Nations, which provides advice to the Independent High Commission elections to hold legislative elections in February.

    According to BBC News the British that the United Nations intervened in the debate between political parties on the date of the election, calling for conducting them in February next, considering that the date proposed by the United Nations may have been more optimistic than they should.

    The efforts of the Electoral Commission for elections, for parliamentary elections as scheduled on 18 January next, have been disrupted after the veto, Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi of the law and the return of Parliament, who held the amendments by a majority vote and submit again to the Presidency for approval.

  14. #780
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    Federal Court will decide whether the days of Eid from within the deadline to set aside the election law

    MP from the Iraqi Front for National Dialogue, Mohammad Tamim said the parliamentary blocs on Thursday waiting for the Federal Court's response will determine whether the four-day Eid al-Adha from within the ten days set aside for the elections law.

    Tamim said in a press statement that the parliamentary blocs, waiting for the opinion of the Federal Court and restored it to know whether the days of Eid accounted for from within the designated days to veto or not, expected to invalidate the law-Hashimi on Saturday.

    Tamim said that Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi awaiting the response of the Federal Court to decide the pending political agreement on the law in the event the response is positive did not calculate the days of Eid within the legal deadline, or to invalidate the electoral law again if the response is negative and calculated those days within the time limit.

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