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  1. #881
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    Central bank with his Dutch counterpart signed an agreement to invest part of the foreign exchange reserves

    the Iraqi Central Bank signed with his Dutch counterpart agreement to invest part of the foreign exchange reserves.

    A source at the bank told the press Amstqlp (Iba) on Monday said the agreement aims to invest in foreign exchange in a secure environment with foreign assets with a high degree of safety and liquidity, while achieving significant financial benefits commensurate with the size of the investment.

    He added that the Bank of Iraq has already signed a similar agreement with several international banks and global financial institutions for the same goals.

    The source said the central bank's strategy on the management of cash reserves prioritized is to maintain security precautions and reduce the economic Almkhataralnajmp the vibrations that occur outside the country to ensure a reasonable return commensurate with The volume of reserves for its development.

    The source said the Bank's provision of liquidity necessary foreign exchange to make payments on the Bank's international policy and the empowerment of the dinar exchange of stability.

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  3. #882
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    Diminished investment opportunities because of the bombings

    in the economy there are no expectations, but rules made after assessing the events and the sequence of events in order to take correct decision consistent with the existing conditions ..

    And what happened in Baghdad, the deterioration of security during the terrible years that killed hundreds of innocent people and destroyed government institutions, and badly damaged infrastructure, access government programs for attracting foreign companies to invest in a dark tunnel and delivering a message to these companies that the situation is not suitable to enter the Iraqi market.

    And with a realistic vision to see that the recent bombings of targets based in the delayed reconstruction of Iraq by harnessing the government and those responsible for the funds and the allocation of large amounts of the financial budget of the security issues at the expense of movement as well as the official investment to destabilize the ardent desire of firms to operate in Iraq.

    Providing safe atmosphere provided the basis of pushing companies to work, and in any country where we find that confusing security investments when absent, and this is logical in accordance with the rule of "capital is coward" .. the right of any of the businessmen and companies to work in a safe environment and not serious. .. so it is our right to express Tchwicna of diminished opportunities for foreign investment in the absence of security plans are successful.

    The decline of opportunities that we fear it does not mean that the economic reality is not encouraging to foreign capital, but we want to create a climate and fertile ground to work for the common good and support the investment plans, .. Assigning a number of oil fields to a number of foreign companies by the ministry of oil reflects the past a genuine desire to enter the domestic market, landing a number of projects in the governorates to foreign firms is only a guide to look foreign to the Iraqi market and work in different sectors, and recognize that Iraq is a big economic power, and credible global high.

    That the security stability as well as action by the state of reforms and development in the regulations and procedures of investment after amending the Investment Law No. 13 of 2006 and the development of policies to achieve growth in the economic and social development are essential requirements to create a favorable investment climate to grow and flourish the business sector and hence the policy Economic wise can avoid the difficulties that many countries from the crises and problems, not serve the strategy to rebuild Iraq.

    Despite the severity of the consequences of the bombings and criminal operations, but the approach is a conscious and statesmanship by the government to deal with these destructive processes that will lead the ship to shore safely home and work efforts in the accounting implications of the citizens will feel the safety of the economic approach.

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  5. #883
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    MP jumpy Shaker: There are bills and laws suspended by the next parliament, to the lack of importance

    Independent MP jumpy Shaker "It is assumed in the remaining life of the parliament legislation laws of the utmost importance."

    Shaker said correspondent "It is supposed to accomplish laws of great importance, which serve the public interest in the remaining life of the Parliament, noting that there are also bills and laws suspended by the parliament next to it at the moment do not matter and there are laws, but a task that must be met."

    And the Shaker "The most important laws, which we hope to accomplish in the The next action to ratify it is the law of journalists and also the law of the parties and approval of budget (2010) finance and a proposal to merge the Diwani Aloagafin one ministry called the Ministry of Waqf religious in order to block those who want to distinguish one people and widen the gap between them."

    And "we are reading all the laws of importance for ratification, and all members of parliament to speed up the compliance and completion of laws and not to stop and highlight the differences that would lead to disruption of Those laws."

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  7. #884
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    Tamim: guarantees by Washington for the Kurds to bypass the security agreement

    Stressed Arab MP Mohammed from the city of Kirkuk, Tamim said Matkdmh United States of promises and guarantees for the Kurds is unacceptable and the intervention of the Iraqi issue and overcome the security agreement and therefore pay the separatist trend.

    Tamim said the independent press agency said Monday that it had been announced officially, it is totally unacceptable because it ravaged the national unity of Iraq, noting that this is nearer to hand, at the expense of other entities.

    He pointed out that there is not anything practical in this direction, but are only promises and guarantees written is not clear, when he explains things to be different.

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  9. #885
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    Kirkuki: White House support to Iraqi Constitution assured Kurdistan Region

    Speaker of Kurdistan Region Parliament Dr. Kamal Kirkuki on Saturday, December 12, in his private office at the parliament building, met with Paula Oaxaca, a former member of the European Parliament and member of the U.S. Organization to achieve peace.

    During a meeting attended by Aso Karim, head of the Committee of Culture and Relations in the parliament, Oaxaca expressed his happiness to visit the Kurdistan Region, and explain the main objective of his visit to the Region, which is to follow up the recent report of the international human rights monitoring.

    They also discussed the political situation in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region in the light of the adoption of a law amending the Iraqi Parliament Election Law.

    Dr. Kirkuki said that the White House's support for Iraq's permanent constitution and Article 140 and solving the outstanding issues between the Erbil and Baghdad before the withdrawal of U.S. forces and to guarantee support to carry out general census in Iraq, were the key factors that assured Kurdistan Region to protect the gains and improve the political situation.

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  11. #886
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    Rizgar Ali: Iraqi parties should not misinterpret U.S stance from Kurdistan Region

    The Arab and Turkmen groups in Kirkuk Provincial Council, announced, in a press conference on Sunday, December 13, their refusal to the ongoing progress on diplomatic ties between the United States of America and Kurdistan Regional Government claiming that this progress was the result of a political deal between the Kurdistan Alliance Bloc and U.S.

    A statement issued by both groups said that this step violates the Constitution and the strategic agreement between Iraq and America and Iraq sovereignty.

    Head of Kirkuk Provincial Council Rizgar Ali, in a press statement on Monday, December 14, said: “I hope the Iraqi political parties do not misinterpret the Statement of the White House and the U.S stance.”

    He added: “Those parties should realize that the support of the United States of America to Kurdistan Regional Government is a support for all and not only for the Kurds as these parties claim.”

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  13. #887
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    UNAMI to form team to solve Kirkuk problems

    Kirkuk Governor Abdel Rahman Mustafa, on Monday, December 14, met with representatives of Kirkuk office of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI).

    Mustafa emphasized during the meeting that reasons of problems in Kirkuk are many like the real property disputes, the agricultural contracts and the families that live in building that belongs to the government. He stressed the necessity to allocate amounts in order to compensate all parties.

    UNAMI representatives said that they will form a joint work team to discuss the problems in Kirkuk.

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  15. #888
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    Oil Minister: Iraq top oil-producing countries within a few years

    He's Oil Minister Hussain al-Shahristani predicted that the total revenue that accrued to the country's development of oil fields which were transmitted through the ten rounds of licensing the first and second would be about $ 200 billion annually.

    Shahristani said in a press statement that the productive capacity of the fields that had been put through two rounds of licenses is 11 million and 140 thousand barrels per day, added to the national output of oil companies amounting to one million barrels for a total production capacity available to Iraq is total crude oil production in the country during the next six years only 12 million barrels of crude oil per day.

    He pointed out that the total amount of the development of oil fields compared to current oil prices is estimated at $ 200 billion annually through the budget allocated for Iraq's reconstruction and development.

    He indicated that the oil ministry concluded licensing round on the second assignment of seven out of ten fields to the coalitions Shell and CNBC Sinankol Chinese and Angolan and Russian Lukoil and Petronas of Malaysia and the Russian Kazibrom.

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  17. #889
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    Abdel-Bari Zebari: It is inappropriate to dismiss ministers at this time

    MP Abdul Bari Zebari, the Kurdistan Alliance, "The dismissal of ministers in this time is not appropriate, particularly as we approach the parliamentary elections."

    Some politicians, MPs, and through press statements, has called for the removal of some ministers against the backdrop of deteriorating security, service in the country.

    He said Zebari, told the independent press (Iba), "there is a reluctance in the House of Representatives on the subject of the dismissal of cabinet so are not considered such a step in the electoral campaign."

    Is due to hold parliamentary elections coming in the seventh of March AD next year.

    And security on the host Minister Zebari said: "It is expected that the meeting will be the final day, depending on the questions addressed by members of the House of Representatives and answers ministers and security chiefs have them."

    The House of Representatives has appeared since last Saturday to host the ministers and security chiefs longer advising against the backdrop of Baghdad security incidents on Tuesday.

    Zebari stressed that "after hosting the meetings will be lifted answers minister and police chiefs to security and defense committee in parliament to decide this matter."

    The head of the security and defense committee MP Hadi al-Amiri was considered on Monday and answers during his press briefing ministers and security chiefs as disappointing


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  19. #890
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    Congress: 2010 budget be approved within days

    Busy with the House of Representatives Law of elections and then the repercussions of the security situation, However, a number of deputies confirmed (weekly news agency) that the next few days will witness the adoption of the budget year 2010.

    The deputy said Sami Atrushi Committee Member Finance That the committee submitted its report to the Presidency of the Council of Representatives on the proposed amendment to the budget With regard to materials or even the budget allocations in the budget year 2010, especially relating to certain transfers of the Finance Committee as it deems necessary . .

    The Atrushi that the sum of the overall budget is not an objection has reached about 83 trillion Iraqi dinars, and other amounts will be added to the budget from the Ministry of Finance as reported to the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives of a hundred billion Iraqi Dinars for the institution of political prisoners as well as a hundred and fifty billion dinars Iraq Foundation martyrs aspects of investment to build houses.

    He Atrushi that this amount of the budget According to the expectations have been accompanied by a deficit of about (34%) Of the General Budget With that of the Finance Committee's observations on those expectations that this deficit will be a real deficit, however, the current high oil prices Will cover the deficit and save the government from it.

    He pointed out that the parliament on his way to approve the budget for 2010 after a few days and will not take time during the discussion and Altsot them.

    With regard to the proportion of the Kurdistan region, MP Sirwan Zahawi member of parliament for the Finance Committee Here is the text put in the budget to achieve justice and to Clear that there is objection by a particular destination.

    He noted that the text says: "Exchange rate is 17% of the general budget to the Province of Cardsan In the coming years and when you get a census of Iraq and the region shows that the percentage of less than 17% is the proportion of the territory and are deducted increase due to the federal government and also the contrary, he that this solution is a fair solution.

    He said the parliament would vote on the budget year 2010 within the next week or two weeks maximum.

    For his part, Member of Investment Committee and the economy in the House of Representatives Ahmed al-Alwani, the parliament end of the budget during the few Aalmqublp.

    He said al-Alwani, Â another task of the parliament in the legislative term of the last parliamentary session is the approval of the budget year 2010, so the government can be when the caretaker government to continue its work through the financial resources allocated to it Payroll and the areas of investment and services.

    He noted that there are adjustments in the budget has been agreed upon and will be approved in the next few days.


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