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  1. #2541
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsfletcher View Post
    Hello everyone. This investment is starting to scare me. And not in the way some of you may think. As many of us here, I have lived check to check most of my life. The thought of having wealth scares me. I have no idea about investing, in fact this is my first investment. My needs a simple, buy the family home, and not have to work, let my money work and provide me with an income. But I have read horror stories about people who thought they were doing the right thing. Get a financial advisor etc. but there are some real creeps out there, and I have read about people loosing millions by making the wrong decision. I guess these are good problems to have, but I just wanted to throw this out there to see if anyone else had the same concerns


    First, wait to cash in. The dinar will continue to rise to over $2.00.

    Yes we will all have more money and responsibility. Personally I am not frightened, but excited about all the possibilities that will be now available. I don't plan on ever quitting working, for me the great joy in life is putting my talents to good use, with more money I will be able to do this on a grander scale. If you don't like your job, than now you have the freedom to create a new job that you would be excited about doing everyday. I personally would get bored sitting around going on vacations, and shopping for stuff, but that's just me. Good luck, hopelfully we will all be facing this "dilema" very soon!

  2. #2542
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    Is this soldier your main source?? How can he have contacts with the CBI??

    You give this month 11 out of 10 for a reval. Is this based on facts or just hope from your side

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    nothing... we suspect comm. blackout as he is a soldier.

  3. #2543
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    Cool Good Answer

    Quote Originally Posted by texaslonghorns View Post
    John, same thing here. We are retired military and never had much left to invest after raising 3 boys. We are buying the house, cars , and furnishings. With whats left we are sticking in a secure investment. Somthing very conservative and guaranteed. We should get 6% -8% on our money. I can live very easily on 200K per year with out ever touching the nest egg. I think the main thing is get into something safe. No pie in the sky invetments, you know like dinar... Of couse that is with the reval rate that is rumored. If is less we just adjust down. GO DINAR!
    Make sure your nest Egg is for your retirment Income. That way with the rest of your Investments if you gamble you want have to worry aslong as you have the nest Egg in secure Investments.

    Example: 2 Million USD into 20 $100,000.00 accounts for 9 months are longer to pay adverage 4% to 5% = $8,000.00 to $10,000.00 a month. Boom you are retired. I will be going for Buying Mortgages after that. They pay 8% to 12% average. Like being a Landlord with out the property. Just a couple of ideals.

  4. #2544
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsfletcher View Post
    Hello everyone. This investment is starting to scare me. And not in the way some of you may think. As many of us here, I have lived check to check most of my life. The thought of having wealth scares me. I have no idea about investing, in fact this is my first investment. My needs a simple, buy the family home, and not have to work, let my money work and provide me with an income. But I have read horror stories about people who thought they were doing the right thing. Get a financial advisor etc. but there are some real creeps out there, and I have read about people loosing millions by making the wrong decision. I guess these are good problems to have, but I just wanted to throw this out there to see if anyone else had the same concerns


    If you are unsure of what to do next after you receive a large sum of money, then do nothing. Meaning, put it in a savings account, and take your time to figure out what just happened. Don't quit your job, and don't make any major purchases. Don't be in a hurry. Make sure you aren't losing money before you move on to investing and making more. Take your time to find yourself a reputable accountant. (Get good personal referrals, don't just pick a name out of a phonebook. For instance - my family's accountant was my dad's college roommate. They have a history that goes back 50 years. He has retired, and his son is our accountant, and he's worked there 25 years. They have given great advice not only for personal matters, but for our family business, real estate transactions, my parents' divorce, and retirement issues.)

    The thing that gets people first is taxes. Have your accountant figure out how much you REALLY have first.

    In fact, start looking for one now. Treat this as if you are starting a business (your business is now all the goals you stated above) - you need an accountant to set up the structure BEFORE you go into business. If you intend to give money to family members/set up college funds etc., it might be more beneficial to you tax-wise to set up trusts for them and have them exchange the dinar themselves.

    Other taxes that get people - luxery taxes on large purchases; gift taxes to individuals for amounts over $10K/year, etc.

    Your current situation will also make what you do different from what others might do. I have a ton of student loan debt from medical school - the interest I pay is tax-deductable much like mortgage interest. How I approach that debt might be different than how I address consumer debt like credit cards.

    Look through these threads and start a list of points that the various members throw out to you to research. Let your accountant educate you - you should understand your situation, what you are doing, and why. Double-check with Internal Revenue Service where you can get any publication pertinent to your questions.

    When you get to the investment step, just remember that investment advice is like an opinion, which is like a certain necessary body part - everybody has one. The key is to educate yourself, particularly on the track record and credibility of any 'professional' first. You don't have to jump in with everything all at once either, you can test the waters, and let the bulk of the nest egg sit in that savings account. Take your time, educate yourself, understand what you are doing before you do it, and don't make emotional decisions - this is business.

    Also, I wouldn't advertise any windfalls, particularly to family. You'd be surprised at what crawls out of the woodwork at this kind of news.

  5. #2545
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    O.K. here are the horoscopes for today, I will post them all, so I don't have to try to find them later. Hope yours says something good!

    March 21 - April 19 Things may transpire that appear to be conspiring against you -- but you must remain calm, focused and on guard against deception.
    April 20 - May 20 You must work harder than usual to keep distractions at bay -- though certain side issues must not be ignored. Balance what you can.
    May 21 - June 21 They say practice makes perfect, but you may feel further from a goal than you have in the past -- despite all the recent practice!
    June 22 - July 22 You mustn't make up any excuses for things that go wrong -- nor must you make any promises you can't keep. Tell it the way it is!
    July 23 - Aug 22 Stamina is the key. You have what it takes to outlast the competition and refine your own work in order to maximize the results.
    Aug 23 - Sept 22 You may be distracted by things that do not matter, and attracted to new developments that have little to do with your primary concerns.

  6. #2546
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    Sept 23 - Oct 22 You're bent on breaking the rules, but you must consider the long-term effects of your actions. Try a more conservative strategy.
    Oct 23 - Nov 21 You may not have all the time you need to attend to every duty, so you're going to have to prioritize. Follow the lead of a close friend.
    Nov 22 - Dec 21 Your determination will serve you well; there are things you have to do that are made all the more difficult by someone's lack of help.
    Dec 22 - Jan 19 You may be confused by reports received about the results of recent efforts. Do your own investigation; find out what's really going on!
    Jan 20 - Feb 18 Romance beckons, but you have a great deal of work to do before you can knock off and enjoy any kind of personal indulgence. Be businesslike!
    Feb 19 - March 20 You'll receive word from someone that allows you to lighten up a bit and do things in a more relaxed and free-form sort of fashion.

  7. #2547
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    Quote Originally Posted by zipper View Post

    If you are unsure of what to do next after you receive a large sum of money, then do nothing. Meaning, put it in a savings account, and take your time to figure out what just happened. Don't quit your job, and don't make any major purchases. Don't be in a hurry. Make sure you aren't losing money before you move on to investing and making more. Take your time to find yourself a reputable accountant. (Get good personal referrals, don't just pick a name out of a phonebook. For instance - my family's accountant was my dad's college roommate. They have a history that goes back 50 years. He has retired, and his son is our accountant, and he's worked there 25 years. They have given great advice not only for personal matters, but for our family business, real estate transactions, my parents' divorce, and retirement issues.)

    The thing that gets people first is taxes. Have your accountant figure out how much you REALLY have first.

    In fact, start looking for one now. Treat this as if you are starting a business (your business is now all the goals you stated above) - you need an accountant to set up the structure BEFORE you go into business. If you intend to give money to family members/set up college funds etc., it might be more beneficial to you tax-wise to set up trusts for them and have them exchange the dinar themselves.

    Other taxes that get people - luxery taxes on large purchases; gift taxes to individuals for amounts over $10K/year, etc.

    Your current situation will also make what you do different from what others might do. I have a ton of student loan debt from medical school - the interest I pay is tax-deductable much like mortgage interest. How I approach that debt might be different than how I address consumer debt like credit cards.

    Look through these threads and start a list of points that the various members throw out to you to research. Let your accountant educate you - you should understand your situation, what you are doing, and why. Double-check with Internal Revenue Service where you can get any publication pertinent to your questions.

    When you get to the investment step, just remember that investment advice is like an opinion, which is like a certain necessary body part - everybody has one. The key is to educate yourself, particularly on the track record and credibility of any 'professional' first. You don't have to jump in with everything all at once either, you can test the waters, and let the bulk of the nest egg sit in that savings account. Take your time, educate yourself, understand what you are doing before you do it, and don't make emotional decisions - this is business.

    Also, I wouldn't advertise any windfalls, particularly to family. You'd be surprised at what crawls out of the woodwork at this kind of news.
    I think this is the best advice anyone can give. Get Educated! Thanks zipper!

  8. #2548
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsfletcher View Post
    Hello everyone. This investment is starting to scare me. And not in the way some of you may think. As many of us here, I have lived check to check most of my life. The thought of having wealth scares me. I have no idea about investing, in fact this is my first investment. My needs a simple, buy the family home, and not have to work, let my money work and provide me with an income. But I have read horror stories about people who thought they were doing the right thing. Get a financial advisor etc. but there are some real creeps out there, and I have read about people loosing millions by making the wrong decision. I guess these are good problems to have, but I just wanted to throw this out there to see if anyone else had the same concerns

    Precisely as in your case, the all wise advise still rules: Don't waste your precious funds unless YOU can afford to!

    A golden reminder B4 U enter this madness of Money Circles meant for those with readily available pocket change.....

    YB. - cheers to the RC CARE Group....

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    My new Android experience, the>> Samsung S2 & this special>> APP to go with it.

  9. #2549
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    Just some fun here on Political Astrology.....

    Top Five Astro-Events for October

    1. Pluto squares Lunar Node axis - exact on October 26, but close enough now to be the primary geopolitical influence all month. This combination may coincide with natural disasters, such as earthquakes and volcanoes, as well as man-made disasters, including major accidents and military confrontations. Mideast nations go through major transformations under this aspect.

    2. The Full Moon in Aries - takes place on October 6, as the Sun and Moon align with U.S. Saturn. Watch for key debates around this time that focus on national security and the direction of American institutions. After this Full Moon, the Sun and attendant planets enter the U.S. Twelfth House and prepare the nation for the biennial October Surprise.

    3. Sun conjunct Mars - exact on October 23 in the last degree of Libra. The Sun-Mars combination makes politicians, business leaders, and military personnel extra aggressive throughout October. Mars opposes the new dwarf planet Eris on October 10, followed by the Sun's opposition on October 13, marking the October 6-13 time-frame when confrontations should reach maximum voltage.

    4. The New Moon on October 21 - features a quadruple conjunction between Sun, Moon, Venus, and Mars. The convergence of four planets often signals major history-making events. The tide turns; surprising and unexpected developments call for immediate response. A political crisis is likely where the U.S. must take some forceful action, since this complex squares the U.S. Pluto.

    5. Jupiter square Saturn on October 25 - this is the first of three contacts between these two outer planets, which historically has often brought reverses in the business cycle, and other long-term social and cultural developments. Saturn in Leo represents imperial leadership, while Jupiter in Scorpio questions the moral authority. Legal, ethical, and religious issues move to the forefront.

    NewsScope September 26, 2006 -
    .................................................. .

    Also, a neat astrological look at Bush's chart for inauguration
    as president on January 20, 2001:

    This article was submitted to The International Astrologer Journal on December 31st, 2000. The hypothetical time used for this study was January 20, 2001, 12:07 PM, Washington, DC. Please note that the actual moment of Bush became president was 3 minutes earlier, at 12:04 pm.

    HPLeft Consciousness-Astrology: The Bush Presidency: Storm Clouds at High Noon

  10. #2550
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    That puppetmaster at Gff (Global Fake Forum) is lifting all our news posts and putting fake names on them. Hes even making up commentary You can tell that those posts aren"t real because the spelling and punctuation are perfect in each case(wouldn't happen if real people were posting live).Anyone notice the night we were there that none of the fake name people talked to us or responded to our posts? Also you can't see who is on-line over there and you cannot access the members list.

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