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  1. #2851
    Investor antjesz2's Avatar
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    Friday, the 13th! Because they vote on the FIL on the 12th and could announce it one day later together with the reval. And because that's my husband's birthday. AND because I've finally found out the correct "Bankleitzahl", so my money transfer to Warka Bank will be executed on Monday... I'd really (you-can-imagine-what) if they'd reval before the money I've sent has arrived in my account! ;-)
    Last edited by antjesz2; 08-10-2006 at 02:03 AM.

  2. #2852
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    Man, what the heck happened? I took a break to watch the LSU game, came back and SGS was all peeved about something. I tried to go back in the Part 5 thread to figure out what rubbed her the wrong way and I couldn't see anything to explain it. Somebody wanna let me in on it? You can PM me if you want instead of posting here.

    FWIW, I'm a SGS Fan!!!

  3. #2853
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    Yes, Happy Birthday Xealthy...I wanted to get you a shiny new reval for your birthday, but they were all out at the store...the manager said he put an order in but he doesn't know when it will be delivered....sorry...I hope you have a happy birthday anyways...

    Keep the vision, keep the faith...hugs, Tracy

  4. #2854
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    Quote Originally Posted by PaulieThaGreat View Post
    Hello all my Rolclub friends! I know I sound kind of hypocritical or something along the lines of that by saying this but remember when the money comes, It is the root of evil and you need to use the evil wisely to invertitly kill itself and cause Good and enjoyment! SO BOTTOM LINE DONT GAMBLE IT AWAY!

    Thought I'd try to make everyone smile for a sec.

  5. #2855
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    LOL - I always thought I was a nice girl. But that's absolutely convincing....

  6. #2856
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    Quote Originally Posted by doublescorpio View Post
    I just got my user name and pass word rejected from that "other site" after my second post, which was about what I would do when this hits ( buy a house is what I said) and now I am booted??? I talked to a guy I work with and he said he was booted for something he posted. I don't know why my post would have got me was clean and not negative. Anybody else experience this????
    They want you to be negative from the get go or at least be in the grow-slow crowd, then you are acceptable to them- if you dare to think that a high reval is coming within the forseeable future you will be shunned and ostracized because the mods there are all naysayers. Think about it -if it revals next week, they won't have a forum to run anymore!

  7. #2857
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    Cool Funny

    Quote Originally Posted by doublescorpio View Post
    I just got my user name and pass word rejected from that "other site" after my second post, which was about what I would do when this hits ( buy a house is what I said) and now I am booted??? I talked to a guy I work with and he said he was booted for something he posted. I don't know why my post would have got me was clean and not negative. Anybody else experience this????
    Funny, I got Booted in the Introduction Thread.

  8. #2858
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    I guess my life is complete now, today I was officially accused of being A DRIVE-BY POSTER by Sportslux

  9. #2859
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    Default Postings to ponder from Truck & Barter forum

    Got these from another forum, just stuff to think about while we are waiting


    Chris wrote:
    Found this on another blog. Info seems hard to come by during Ramadan
    Have enjoyed the polical banter.
    Carole, welcome to the site. You have brought it to life for us.
    ************************************************** *******
    Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 6:40 pm Post subject: Value of the Dinar
    Iraq proven oil reserve 120,000,000,000 billion barrels

    At an average price of $50 a barrell

    Equal to 6 trillion dollars

    17,000,000,000,000 Dinar * .0007 = 11,900,000,000 = Iraq reserve funds

    6 divided by 17 = $ .353

    If the value was backed by Oil

    Not including every other resource including water which could turn out to be a more valuble resource than oil in the long run

    These are not exact figures just a thought I had about a possible value - added oil and the other 5% percent of the economy in the long run. Any thoughts would be appreciated again not trying to ruffle any feathers here.

    I know this is my first post but I have been reading here for a while and appreciate comments. I really believe they have to revalue before the FIL law is pasted just like everyone here it might not be for the price everyone here would like to see but will have to be done. I will take a low revalue but over the long run it has to go high again. I am looking for a significant move sometime by the end of the year if not iraq is probably doomed anyway but over the past 3 months they have made significant strides excluding the violence side.

    gl to all and go Dinar

    Looking for $.10 by the end of the year

    Roger wrote:
    Right, we have to say our political piece on occasion, if we can't, well, then we're not in America, so glad that stuff is of the chest.


    Yes I take 10 cents, but woulds be happier with 33 cents, even happier with 68 cents and even more happier with a buck. 10 cents seem to be more in the real range though, but who knows.

    I do however believe you are assuming the Dinars value is based on how much, in numbers, Iraq are good for, either in oil or reserves.

    We have comvered this in the past, and wont do a too deep thing about it, you are welcome to scroll back and read up on this particular phenomenon. I will just do a short brief.

    Old monetrary systems, particular in the 1800's and early 1900's was runned on the principal that one unit of money had to be covered and backed by an equal amount of equity in the reserve.

    For example, here in the US, one Dollar was guaranteed to have the backing of gold to the equal value of one Dollar. You could go in to a bank and get a piece of gold for the paperbill you carried.

    Nowdays, currency are operating on the value of production of that country, and the issuer of the currency only have to show that they are rich, thats all. Show them Fort Knox. There is also another vault in New York City, with gold contents about ten times more than Fort Knox. The Gold trade market, where other states and countries have part of their reserve. When they buy and sell Gold, they just move Gold bars from one cage to the other according to who the buyer and seller is. This is part of other currencies backing of their Currencies.

    However, taken all the gold in New York, and the Gold in Fort Knox, there is not gold enough to cover the face value of all the currencies they are representing.

    I'm just saying this so you understand that Iraq can set their currency to almost any level they wish, within reason.

    Adding up all the oil, and the reserve they have and do a calculation of how much that would be, if the currency is valued X ammount is meaningless. Well not fully, it has to have something to show, but it does'nt have to be a complete X value in backing = same value on the currency.

    Another misunderstanding some might have is, that when they go to the bank, may it be B of A, Wells Fargo or Chase, and exchange the Dinars for Dollar, the bank must send it over to Iraq, and ask them to make the money good.

    No, what the bank have done is to exchange x ammount of currency for x ammount of currency of the same value, plus the diference in selling price (and possibly a commision fee), so the bank is sitting on a currency after the transaction, that have more value then the Dollars they gave you( selling, buying price, remember).

    They can either sit on it, go to the currency market, plainly just sell it again, and a lot of other things. What ever they do from the point they took the currency from you, and gave you the Dollar, they won. They, so to say, are laughing all the way to the bank.

    The reason that you want Dollar is that's the currency you can use in your daily life, you have been brought up to find value in it, and know what it can do and all that.

    If for example you have 10 mill Dinars, the Dinar RV to 10 cents. You will then rush to exchange your 10 mill Dinars for a million Dollars, and feel really good about it, almost that "puh I got away with it". For the bank, the Dollar as well as the Dinar is just another currency. For your social life you will need Dollars, thats the market you're in, but for the bank, you're the sucker.

    So please dont look at your currency exchange with the bank, in that way that you are coming in to the bank with a bunch of I.O.U.'s, or that you're coming in with an old obligation where honorable men have decided long ago at a board meeting that this piece of paper must be honored, or that you are coming in with something that the bank haaaaave to pay by the law, believing the bank will put all the Dinars in a box, together with a skunk, send it to Iraq, together with a hostage note regarding the Iraqis banks directors daughter, they just captured, and demand payment for those "worthless Dinars" soon to arrive in Baghdad.

    Oh no, you just walked in with more value, to the bank, and walked out with less.

    -- October 5, 2006 9:59 PM ∞

  10. #2860
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    Default This one really fits th crazy thread

    From another forum again:


    Well, the Iraqi currency must move up in value before any of the dreams will come true. Dont worry, i dream too, but remeber, this thing have been stuck for years, with all kinds of good and bad, evil and loving forces pulling on it.

    There is no hard facts, or hard declaration saying that it WILL happen anytinme soon. Our common sense says it will, but there is not much common sense coming out of that place. Things that is obvious, seem to go unheeded, and not done anything about.

    Hang a vicegrip clamp on the lower lip on an Iraqi, and he will not do anything about it, but find that he will get used to it.

    Cut the electricity, and he will declare darkness the new standard.

    A flooded street from a plugged up soursystem is a jewish conspiracy.

    These people are suppose to come up with something that make sense?, like RV their currency so the Iraqi man can eat. I'm not even sure they have perception of financial cause and effect.

    To me it seems like they're thinking that money concept is just a magic blur, any opinion and wise crack leftis can tell any data, and it will be taken as gospel.

    I've been in this for a half year, and have come to an understanding that they dont see any light themselves.

    One Guru, declares that they can not RV because the interest rate is stable, and fifty other followers of that "theory" will go along.

    Another Guru tells them, they can not Rv because they have a debt, and sixty five Iraqis in the finance department nod their heads in agreement.

    One ***** tells them, they can not RV, because, the money in circulation have to be all be bought up with Dollars,when they are exchanged in the banks, and all the Dinars in the world will come back to Iraq in paperboxes, making the Dinar worthless. Six hundred an seventy nine Iraqis from the CBI to the goverment will then agree to that.

    To me, any kind of sense, logic and reason, on how the Dinar should have been managed from day one it was introduced, have not happened.

    What they are doing right now, is harmful for the economy, harmful for the Dinar and harmful for the Iraqi people itself. To me, lies, false datas, and assumptions from lesser knowlegable people are tossed around in one big mess.

    Wrong priorities, wrong targets, wrong goals, are introduced, and it doent seem to be any idea to try to correct it, because there is always another Guru saying , yeah but....

    So when it wil happen, good guess, sometime it will be moving along upward, but it might be a very very long time, or tonight.

    Madness takes it's toll.

    -- October 6, 2006 10:39 PM ∞


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