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  1. #3671
    Banned lndmn_01's Avatar
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    I wanted to post this in the "crazy" thread but the only one I found was locked, so I probably missed something.

    There have been some who claimed that there were auctions held last week however, as everyone knows by now there have been no updates to the cbi exchange rate page. I also wanted to point out that the history of auctions have not been updated either, as you can see in the photo below(possibly). you can also see it here: just scroll to the bottom of the page...

    I don't know if it really means anything. I just wanted to throw it out there...

    My Fault I didn't unlock it before I went out to eat. Sorry, it is open now.-neno
    Last edited by lndmn_01; 22-10-2006 at 04:35 AM.

  2. #3672
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    Quote Originally Posted by bob1940 View Post
    zipper, I like your style and discription of what is happening over there God bless you for your contibution to the War/win situation.
    Thanks Bob; I really appreciate your positive attitude. I apologize to everyone for bringing it down; I'll try to put on a happy face again.

    Today I had to attend a sexual harassment briefing for the umpteenth time. I've been to so many of these, I don't even learn new ways to harass people. I'm out of the military, but just joined the Civil Air Patrol which is Air Force Auxiliary, with the same plethora of gov't PC briefings - only worse - I actually had to pay 10$ for the notebook & notes!!! ARGH!!!

    My friends tell me if I'd only drink, I could relax. My favorite is Foster's. What's yours?

  3. #3673
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    Hi, I bought 25,000 dinaros from ebay.

    So are we waiting for the Forex to open at 5PM and can I cash them monday? Can I do this everyweek because I have read that people were waiting for the forex to open for like 5 weeks in a row? Is this what you guys do every week?
    I'm gonna use all the money I get for them monday and buy more and let this investment keep growing and growing until I get to a couple millions. This is the best way to make easy money . Like that other poster guy says woo-toot. When I buy more monday I will sell some of the people some if you need it. Let me know.

  4. #3674
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    NEWUSER-- You better do some research here. What your saying is so off the wall it almost made me laugh. You need to get educated with the way this Dinar Investment works. ask Adster for an explaination of this investment. before you try Your stratagies. --- it doesn't work like you portray it.

  5. #3675
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewUser View Post
    Hi, I bought 25,000 dinaros from ebay.

    So are we waiting for the Forex to open at 5PM and can I cash them monday? Can I do this everyweek because I have read that people were waiting for the forex to open for like 5 weeks in a row? Is this what you guys do every week?
    I'm gonna use all the money I get for them monday and buy more and let this investment keep growing and growing until I get to a couple millions. This is the best way to make easy money . Like that other poster guy says woo-toot. When I buy more monday I will sell some of the people some if you need it. Let me know.
    Are you KIDDING ME I hope it opens on the forex on mon or revaules at a huge rate for that mater. Its comming my friend just gotta be patient
    Last edited by dinartank; 22-10-2006 at 08:58 PM. Reason: wanted to add a few more things

  6. #3676
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    Default been away

    Hi Friends
    I've been away for a couple of days. Are we still waiting on the 5 PM EST CBI posting or the opening of the forex tomorrow morning?
    Behold the turtle-he makes progress only when he sticks his neck out

  7. #3677
    Can read but not post. motomachi's Avatar
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    Default Sunni captive spared execution by man he saved in battle

    The Sunday Times - World
    Sunni captive spared execution by man he saved in battle - Sunday Times - Times Online

    The Sunday Times October 22, 2006
    Sunni captive spared execution by man he saved in battle
    Hala Jaber

    IT was a warm Wednesday morning when Abdul Rahman Ahmad, a Sunni, last risked his life by driving into the Shi’ite Baghdad suburb of Sadr City to stock up on supplies for his thriving supermarket.
    In tranquil, pre-war times, Ahmad, 52, would make the journey to Sadr City’s Jamila wholesalers’ market every week, lingering to savour its spicy fragrance and its cacophony of banter and barter. But since the militias on either side of Baghdad’s post-war sectarian divide had started picking out victims at random, he paid no more than one peremptory visit a month.

    Ahmad always sought safety in numbers. On this particular morning, he arrived with 28 fellow traders in a convoy of 11 vehicles.

    The grim fate of frightened groups of men going about their business in Baghdad has become a routine story in the Iraqi media but Ahmad’s account of the horrors that befell his friends is remarkable, not least because he alone lived to tell the tale.

    They had been in the market for only half an hour when it suddenly started to empty. Shutters were rolled down and doors locked. By the time Ahmad’s group tried to leave, all the exits were blocked by white four-wheel-drive vehicles surrounded by men in black from the Mahdi Army of Moqtadr al-Sadr, the radical Shi’ite cleric. The men checked identity cards, sending away three traders with Shi’ite names but marching the 26 Sunnis towards their vehicles. They ignored the pleas of their captives who were blindfolded with hands tied behind their backs.

    “They drove us off in broad daylight and in front of everyone and nobody could help us,” Ahmad said.

    After half an hour, the vehicles stopped in the playground of what appeared to be a school where the blindfolds and bonds were removed.

    “We were hit on the head and our families and religion were cursed as they lined us up,” Ahmad recalled. “We were surrounded by 30 armed men all dressed in black.”

    It was at this point that a sheikh arrived to declare: “A death sentence has been issued against you.” His announcement created panic.

    “We were all begging and screaming and shouting,” Ahmad said. “We were so terrified that the mood was totally hysterical. Some men beat their chests and hit their faces and their bodies as they pleaded. We screamed to be spared. We even knelt on the ground and begged them not to kill us. But I saw death in their eyes.”

    During these excruciating minutes, Ahmad felt the gaze of one of the militiamen upon him. The man approached and spoke softly to him amid the pandemonium. “You are Abdul Rahman?” he asked. “I am Karim. Does my name mean anything to you?” Ahmad realised instantly that the two men had been in another desperate situation 15 years earlier when they were soldiers retreating on foot from Kuwait beneath a ferocious American bombardment at the end of the first Gulf war.

    “You were injured in the leg and I carried you on my shoulders,” Ahmad said. And he began to cry.

    Karim glanced at the other traders, who included Rahman’s 21-year-old nephew. “I can’t do anything for them but I will try to save you,” he said. “I will be your executioner but I won’t shoot you. As we open fire you must immediately drop to the ground and play dead.”

    They were made to march for about five minutes and then to stand in a line. “I thought to myself, ‘this is it’,” Ahmad said.

    At the sound of the first shot he hit the ground as he had been told to do and two men fell on top of him. The firing continued for perhaps two minutes. He was picked up and dumped in the back of a truck and eventually thrown on a piece of waste ground with the others.

    As soon as he reached home after the massacre on August 16, Ahmad and his wife began preparing to flee with their four children to Amman, the Jordanian capital, where he recounted his ordeal last week.

    Ahmad’s friends were among 2,200 people who died violently in Baghdad in August. The figure for September rose to nearly 2,600 and October’s figure is expected to top 3,000. It is little wonder, then, that 1.6m refugees are estimated to have left Iraq, 500,000 of them for Jordan. “What is important is that I am alive and with my family,” Ahmad said. “I never ever want to go back to Iraq.”

    Ahmad’s name has been changed to protect his identity

    Made for Hollywood story!

  8. #3678
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    Default And now for something COMPLETELY different!!

    Hi Y'all--I finally took some advice and have been spending less time on the computer and more time out in "the big room" in pursuit of what I hear tell of--A LIFE!

    YES!! we are on a three week road trip across this great land of ours, driving through all the "fly over" states on our way to Washington state to find our future home. I'm keeping a journal and I'd thought I'd post some snippets--in case anyone glued to the computer wants to live vicariously through us!!

    DAY 1, 21 OCT, starting odometer mileage on the Subaru: 13410

    Traveling thru Virginia to the soundtrack as laid down by Jim Bailey. Niether the Revolution, nor this road trip will be televised. Hills and nostalgia rise as we travel west and leave Virginia Beach and all that Haze grey behind.

    We passed ancient looking log cabins, empty hollows, trailer parks and too many vine covered old stores and gas stations to count. This is our country, flags, shopping malls, cross road towns and all...and we are seeing it from the slow lane of a secondary road. Our first stop will be the Meadows of Dan where Hwy 58 crosses the Blue Ridge Parkway to drop in on their Indian Summer Fair.

    Oh the Meadows of much further down the road than we thought...I'm thinking that it is a good thing we brought both the Atlas AND the computer (not just to check the DINAR!!) with streets and trips...

    We head west, blinded by the setting sun. We head west to a different shore, a different ocean, west ot our future, and for a moment we are blinded....

    Lover's Leap, and we hop out of the car to take a cold picture--foliage, pasture and cold!! Feeny, Country Girl and Pimpdaddy August 18, 2006 wuz here.

    Day 2 13686 on the odometer of our sweet Subaru...

    There were lots of "this is our first night" moments in the Meadows of Dan. After several attempts and a "you just set up the chairs" we achieved a roaring fire. The tent went up with no problems and after a couple of chili verde quesadillas all was well. I don't think either of us were truly prepared for how cold it was (somewhere in the 30's) and while a mesh roof might be good for star gazing it does nothing to keep the heat in the tent! We both went to sleep fully dressed peeling off layers as we warmed up in the old fart sack as my sweet husband affectionately likes to call our zip together sleeping bags. Once the neighbors ran out of beer and settled in for the night, the sounds of wind in the trees and some cows lowing in the fields lulled us to sleep. It wasn't a deep sleep but we did manage a couple of dreams between us--I dreamt I found a 50 dollar bill tucked into my wallet--a reval premonition perhaps? Coyotes howled and when morning came it was cloudy and damp.

    "you never had fried pies before??" our waiter at Becky's Fried Pies asks. Nope, but that was all fixin to change. Rasberry for me and egg, sausage and cheese for Mike--halfway through we switched, of course...I have to say that fried pies do not suck, although I have a feeling that those two little pockets of oil saturated goodness may have taken 2 or 3 months off our lives!!

    Some hand crafts, some chit chat and we're headed west on Hwy 58. Soon we'll be trading the intimacy of the secondary roads for the boredom of the interstate. Gotta make some time today...I'm learning something my husband, a veteran motorcycle tripster knows's on the secondary roads that you'll find the soul of this land...the profane, the profound and the just plain silly await in the little towns untouched by the snaking asphalt that permits speedy travel. But such intimacy is requires time--a precious commodity right now, so it'ssomething that's gotta be done...

    That catches y'all up...we're in eastern Tennessee, on I-40 headed west towards our next camp spot...I'll be checking in tomorrow to see if we can turn this three week vacation into something more permenent...and if it's okay with everyone, I'll post more of our adventures in our faithful Subaru!



  9. #3679
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    Talking Cool..........

    If you hit any strip clubs please post the pics!!!!!!!

  10. #3680
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    i hope i am ok to do this here

    feck feck feck erggggggggrrrrregrg scream bas$%%T sh$t poo scream shout bang bang

    i feel better now lol

    wot is going on i am crazy at the mo with no rv pls pls rv i love u dinar

    sorry guys had to that

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