Wow you two are something else!
Originally Posted by
There is no tragedy until someting is confirmed which is exactly what I have been trying to find out for the last 18 hours, just piss off into you own little hole and let people that truely care get on with it.
I have sent you a pm saying thanks. This I retract you are obviously a tosser who thrives on tragedy, if indeed there has been a tragedy.
Keep you comments and what is in confidence to youself, the world is a small place. Thank you.
ps. you are a twat
To quote your friend Adster: " You know what, I just heard a forum member took an overdose last night "
This is not a trajedy?
My condolences mean nothing to you people?
There are several people PM'ing me for more info, and you choose to bash me instead of saying thanks?
Explain to the forum why you choose to bash me for sending condolences for a personal trajedy?
And to add to it, you want me banned?
Where do you come up with this stuff you two?
If I am the bad guy here, I apologize.
I still pray for your friend's safety.
Go ahead and bash me again for that......:mad: