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  1. #11
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    Default Seek peace

    Quote Originally Posted by Loops
    Umm lol garth.

    I dont think iraqs going to be nuked any time soon.

    As for these people being dinar dealers. Ive had my suspicions for a long time. Thats all they are though. IIF definatley. Here i dont know yet.

    We shall just have to wait and see.

    Im also loving the amount of responses to the origional thread i posted with the 8 good solid points on.

    Anyone care to combat these? I think it will raise an interesting argument.

    Oh is my name a swear word now as well?lol Too hot for you to handle?

    and guys... you have to win first to get your kegs.

    Why is it that people here think that they have already been made rich by this investment just by holding dinar before anything has happened?

    No thank you. I prefer to live in peace and not strife. What is your desired end result for your posts? Motive is everything.

    "Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it."


  2. #12
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    I seek enlightenment. By asking questions and raising points others may also do so with new thoughts sparked by what i have said.

    This leads to a greater endowment of knowledge for all.

    It creates a stream of new ideas or theories. So long as people bother to better themselves.

    You ask my motive as if it were stating that i am here to discourage investment.

    The way i see it. If you can prove me 100% wrong that these points are not going to stop the investment from doing what you say it will then so be it.

    I always look for what can go wrong. Because everyone else with an invested interest will always tell you what will go right. Thats just business.

    You dont advertise the bad points about your investment to gain customers.

  3. #13
    Senior Member azmia's Avatar
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    Interesting Loops.

    While those with a vested interest will 'always' tell you what will go right..

    Most of us are adult enough to know what the down side of investing is. Most of us have lost money through the down side of investing.
    Most of us are sick to death of looking at the negatives, as we have had it shoved down our throats for over a year or more.

    So, no offense, but the need of a caregiver to most of us, is no longer needed. We are all well past the need for a bottle and a pacifier.

    What could happen, the Iraqi insurgence could get worse, the fighting could get bloodier, the government could be toppled, Iran could drop a bomb on Iraqi, the CBI could implode, ........see how pointless this all to continue on that line of thought....

    Negativity breeds negativity....most of us in this thread don't care to deal with it.

    Most of us with a vested interest in the Dinar, have spent hours and hours reading all the information we can and then sharing it with our friends here on this forum. Mike and Adam, have put hours into this forum, to make it informative, and if you were to go back and read some of the earlier information, you will find both the positive and the negative. Right now the positive is over powering the negative.

    Posts you are reading have been translated from the original language, I don't know about anyone else, but when someone posts something that 'someone else' heard, I always take that with a grain of salt, because it makes it hearsay. There is a lot of information lost even in the most basic of translations.

    Enjoy your life Loops, it is later than you think. If the Dinar Investing is too risky for you, a nice safe money market account might just be the thing.

    In the meantime, waiting for this ship to dock is a whole lot easier than other ships which have passed us in the night.
    Last edited by azmia; 30-06-2006 at 04:13 PM.

  4. #14
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    Thumbs up

    ...I couldn't agree with you more Azmia. The lime head kitty is very wise! BTW Loops, you've got me down for a keg of Newcastle now, don't you?

  5. #15
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    The negative still outwieghs the positive.

    You have been mislead by people here or your own interpretation.

    That article is infact saying that there will be a zero lop.

    The ignorantly positive\dealers have just twisted it so much as so you think it is just a zero lop on the exchange rate because a zero lop does not suit their agenda.

    Hugely false.

    There are positive stories coming out of iraq yes. However none of them are strong enough at all to justify what you are dreaming for. There are not enough facts that support your dreams either.

    There are more negative facts than positive in terms of money supply and reserves etc.

    Im still waiting for someone to explain to me how my 8 points of negativity are untrue or impossible?

    You claim that you are right yet you cannot disprove me. We cant both be right.

    And i dont drink beer so you can all buy me a bottle of JD when im proven correct.

  6. #16
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Doesn't drink beer guys, WHY? Not old enough, lol.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  7. #17
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    Its not about being negative..its about being objective with your investment.

    Loops brings valid points that should be discussed, not ignored.

  8. #18
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    Default negative news re the iraqi dinar.


    Loops, you always come up with your own points re the dinar and what might or might not happen- you totally ignore or fail to take Adster or anybody elses views based on solid information and answer them. Can you also tell us how many dinar you have and if so why you bought them.

    If it does peg and we all do well will you give your proceeds to charity (after buying us all a keg of beer) mines Abbots by the way.

  9. #19
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    Default Iraqi Investments Club

    Quote Originally Posted by Loops
    The negative still outwieghs the positive.

    You have been mislead by people here or your own interpretation.

    That article is infact saying that there will be a zero lop.

    The ignorantly positive\dealers have just twisted it so much as so you think it is just a zero lop on the exchange rate because a zero lop does not suit their agenda.

    Hugely false.

    There are positive stories coming out of iraq yes. However none of them are strong enough at all to justify what you are dreaming for. There are not enough facts that support your dreams either.

    There are more negative facts than positive in terms of money supply and reserves etc.

    Im still waiting for someone to explain to me how my 8 points of negativity are untrue or impossible?

    You claim that you are right yet you cannot disprove me. We cant both be right.

    And i dont drink beer so you can all buy me a bottle of JD when im proven correct.
    You are a real trip loopster,

    What is it you don't understand about lop vs. lift? If it was the same, they would have said lop, but guess what, through all the official reports, not a single one indicated a lop or drop in current value of dinar, all say raise value to level of dollar. Why is it you want to argue when your limited knowledge on subject has already been proven a dozen times?

    You keep throwing about the Iraq reserves as if you knew what they had, or what concessions are written into equation. It has been stated officially that Iraq has far more reserves backing currency than all their neighbors, and this does not factor in the fact that $109,000,000,000.00 has been forgiven in debt with more to follow. In addition to that, as if this was not enough to back dinar, there are billions in loans already committed to from the international community. All this adds up to the lowest risk in the whole region, so why do you insist on posting what you have zero knowledge about, other than repeating what other brain dead naysayers are posting on the many mindless forums out there.

    As to dealers, for the most part, they have printed only what has come to pass, so your theory that they are all greedy opportunists is not supported by fact. I have been on hundreds of sites over the past couple years and I see nothing other than fact being promoted, and if stating the facts that dinar once was higher is wrong, then you are wrong. History is factual, and I have seen no one overstate the facts on any site. What I do see is free enterprize, simple as that, selling based on pure supply and demand. Since when is it wrong to be in business to make money. LOL

    As to your insistance that lower denom currency is not available to adapt to revalue, where is your proof? I have known about it for over a year, and know by personal contact within gov. that a $10 dinar is already printed, and I would think the fact that 14 denoms had been disclosed officially that this would clearly define it is already done. So moving the smaller denoms, .25 and .50 dinar notes, along with 10.00 and perhaps other coins would be simple. Supply the banks just as would be normal, and offer change. Nothing to hard to understand about this for most, except you. LOL

    Good luck to all, Mike

  10. #20
    Senior Member azmia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zik
    Its not about being negative..its about being objective with your investment.

    Loops brings valid points that should be discussed, not ignored.
    This discussion has been discussed with Loops, he has come to report in this forum, every bit if negative news he can scrounge off the net. While it all deserves respect, it isn't going to change anyone's mind who has been investing in Dinars. It is a crap shoot, you throw the dice, if it comes your way you win, if it doesn't you lose. Members are smart enough to read the news papers and the internet to know this. Right now with all the information coming out of Iraqi and the CBI, those on the ground who Mike and Adam deal with daily, have a far better insight than someone who is spouting off their own opinons and opinions from others who don't have a true clue about what is going on over there.

    He is saying that there isn't enough positives coming out of Iraqi to support all of the cheers for the Dinar, I for one disagree. There is more than enough coming out of Iraqi to be supportive for a long revalue on the Dinar. The northern part of Iraqi is one of the most fertile areas for crops in the world. The ability to grow food stocks is fantastic. That is one huge plus to me. Another is the oil producting capabilities which that area will produce.

    This can go on and on with our dear friend Loops...but why....

    ...I'm going back to the away here Loops !!

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