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  1. #21
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    good posts Adam and Azmia.....posts backed with articles of proof....not assupmtions or heresay......just wanted to check in on the negative side....going back to the positive IT PEG......LET IT PEG.....LET IT PEG...GO DINARS...Pat

  2. #22
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    Agreed Mia,

    I don't know why anyone so negative should have their own thread anyhow, maybe it is easier to just delete it all instead of selectively. LOL

    We will let loops post to himself as he must like to hear himself talk junk and crap anyhow, so enjoy yourself, but be polite and respectful when you post back to yourself. LOL


  3. #23
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    Well there it is again.

    That name calling removed.-neno that ive been talking about. Whatever i say is deemed irrelevant or incorrect even though several members of this board and the previous one have pmed me agreeing with my points that they should be taken into account.

    Thank you zik for understanding that i am being objective about this investment instead of just rushing in and ignoring all the bad news.

    The translation in arabic for lift also is the same for remove. It sounds exactly like a zero lop to me. What is it YOU dont understand or refuse to understand about that article? It is yelling zero lop in your face . LIFT THREE ZEROS. LIFT THREE ZEROS FROM THE IRAQI DINAR!!!! NOT EXCHANGE RATE. DINAR

    Why would they say that. Why wouldnt they just say revalue the currency to 1-1?

    Why would zeros even need to be mentioned unless they were going to be lopped.

    You claim I know nothing however you still cannot disprove my 8 points.

    Its not hearsay it is common sense...

    Its just a case of oh hes nobody he dont know nothing cos it aint what i want.

    Oh and adster.... The legal age for drinking in the UK is 18. Get your facts together before you make jokes. Otherwise its not me who looks like the jester.

    And of course im not going to give any of this money to charity. Simply because we wont get any. If by the one in a million chance that we do. I will give a certain amount to a charity of my choice.

    Just because the debt has been forgiven and there are a few loans in place does not by any means whatsoever give premise to a huge reval on the level you are thinking in the timeframe you are thinking.
    FULL STOP. you know its true.

    All removing the debt will do is increase the rate that they can build their reserves up. Like i said by 2020 we should be able to see a 0.10 to 1 based on oil alone. Factoring in all other revenues it should be higher.

    " I have seen no one overstate the facts on any site"

    Then you are indeed blind as a bat my freind. What about the "oh it was 3.22 before the war. They will bring it right back up there just like kuwait".

    So many times have i seen that and so many times ive thought BULL. Now that IS apples to oranges. Not to mention it doesnt go into all the details.

    "and know by personal contact within gov"

    Oh really? Where have i heard that one before.... Oh yeah on all the BS rumours over on IIF saying that their "Government source" said it was going to reval 2 years ago. So how do you know the iraqi govt and why the hell would they tell a random person like you.

    They wouldnt because that would be giving to much away.

    "Loops, you always come up with your own points re the dinar and what might or might not happen- you totally ignore or fail to take Adster or anybody elses views based on solid information and answer them."

    Their views are not at all based on solid information. They are based on their own personal interpretations of facts so warped that they are almost entirely opposite to what the facts state.

    Their views are views based on hope alone.

    Give me 8 equally factual points for why the dinar will go to 1-1 within the remainder of this year. Notice factual and not opinionated.

    There are a few yes but there are 10 times as many problems than there are benefits.

  4. #24
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Yawn, yawn, where's that ignore button guys? better still, mods can't you ditch this 'plank'?
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loops
    Well there it is again.

    That blind ignorance that ive been talking about. Whatever i say is deemed irrelevant or incorrect even though several members of this board and the previous one have pmed me agreeing with my points that they should be taken into account.
    Well I for one don't find your posts irrelevant Loops, you are entitled to your opinion no matter how much people dislike it. However, by the same token so too are THEY allowed their opinion. Your points deserve respect and response.

    Quote Originally Posted by Loops
    Thank you zik for understanding that i am being objective about this investment instead of just rushing in and ignoring all the bad news.
    In my humble opinion NONE of us should ignore the negative information coming out. People should be adult enough to make up their own minds but should be in possession of both negative AND positive. However...... Loops, it is remiss of you to say that you have bad "news" - more accurately you have a negative OPINION or SUPPOSITION of the current circumstance.

    Quote Originally Posted by Loops
    The translation in arabic for lift also is the same for remove. It sounds exactly like a zero lop to me. What is it YOU dont understand or refuse to understand about that article? It is yelling zero lop in your face . LIFT THREE ZEROS. LIFT THREE ZEROS FROM THE IRAQI DINAR!!!! NOT EXCHANGE RATE. DINAR
    Translation can always be lost Loops - I won't deny you that it could sound like lopping could happen but what someone says in one language can easily be interpreted differently in another. It could just as easily be thought of as being a revalue.... or what if the person making the statement MEANT Iraqi Dinar CURRENCY ? See, you are ASSUMING it is a zero lop because that is what you WANT to think.... much the same way as the cheer-leaders are ASSUMING it is a revalue.

    Quote Originally Posted by Loops
    Why would they say that. Why wouldnt they just say revalue the currency to 1-1?

    Why would zeros even need to be mentioned unless they were going to be lopped.
    Because their language works a lot different to yours and mine. Translation problems have been around since time immemorial... one only needs to look at the Bible to see that. It might be just their way of detailing the revaluation. See, you have no more proof that it is a zero lopping than OSW, Adster et all have that it ISN'T.... yet you want to pass yours off as fact but accuse them of hearsay, which isn't right. Also, zeros can be mentioned for BOTH zero lopping AND revaluation - yet you only WANT to listen to your inner thoughts suggesting zero lopping.

    Quote Originally Posted by Loops
    You claim I know nothing however you still cannot disprove my 8 points.
    I haven't read them yet but will.... and WILL respond, no matter if I agree or disagree with them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Loops
    Its not hearsay it is common sense...
    That is where you are WRONG my friend. Hearsay and common sense need not be independent of each other - hearsay and common sense CAN go hand in hand - again, your play on words doesn't work from behind THIS PC screen. Common sense doesn't make it factual.... likewise hearsay doesn't make it inaccurate. Go look at the dictionary/thesaurus and you will likely find that these two terms can work together.

    Quote Originally Posted by Loops
    Its just a case of oh hes nobody he dont know nothing cos it aint what i want.
    I agree with you here - I have been reading for a while now and some of the treatment of you has been pretty poor - to the extent that people wanted you banned for merely being negative.... negativity is NEEDED for people to get a proper grasp on things and to allow them to be in full possession of information/rumour and opinion.... to be able to make a reasoned opinion on buying or not (no different to listening to differing analysts' views on buying/holding/selling on the stock exchange). However, you ALSO could be accused of the same because you are ignoring everyone on the positive side because it isn't what YOU want !!

    Quote Originally Posted by Loops
    Oh and adster.... The legal age for drinking in the UK is 18. Get your facts together before you make jokes. Otherwise its not me who looks like the jester.
    Did Adster know that you are from the UK ? What is the big deal anyway - this is off topic... but you may have felt a personal jibe - I won't get involved.

    Quote Originally Posted by Loops
    And of course im not going to give any of this money to charity. Simply because we wont get any. If by the one in a million chance that we do. I will give a certain amount to a charity of my choice.
    I should hope that MOST of us IF this hits would be thinking of charity - I for one lost much of the dreams I had of being much more philanthorpical with the demise of PIPS. I hope to be given that opportunity once again with Dinar.

    Quote Originally Posted by Loops
    Just because the debt has been forgiven and there are a few loans in place does not by any means whatsoever give premise to a huge reval on the level you are thinking in the timeframe you are thinking.
    FULL STOP. you know its true.
    Agreed that it doesn't - but by the same token it doesn't mean that there WON'T be a huge reval, does it ? The debt being forgiven is a step in the right direction for Iraq and the loans being in place mean countries are prepared to work with Iraq.

    Quote Originally Posted by Loops
    All removing the debt will do is increase the rate that they can build their reserves up. Like i said by 2020 we should be able to see a 0.10 to 1 based on oil alone. Factoring in all other revenues it should be higher.
    Disagree here Loops. Yes it allows the reserves to build up but that is not ALL it does. Ridding ones nation of debt allows it to GROW as an economy if it has the financial acumen and resource to do so. Iraq most certainly has the resource to do so (Oil, agriculture, a stock exchange - and I am sure I am only breaking the tip of the iceberg). Yor figure of 0.10 to 1 is based on what ? That's right.... assumption and most certainly not fact.... yet at the foot of your email you look for factual rebuttal and not opinionated.... yet you feel that it is fair game for you to put forward your own opinions and pass them off as fact ?? Hypocritical my friend.

    Quote Originally Posted by Loops
    " I have seen no one overstate the facts on any site"

    Then you are indeed blind as a bat my freind. What about the "oh it was 3.22 before the war. They will bring it right back up there just like kuwait".
    that statement was maybe a bit naive from whoever said it BUT..... it was an opinion, not fact. So if you want to take that statement literally then that person NEVER overstated facts... they put forward an opinion. Personally.... I think that $3.22 is very much a LONG term objective - VERY LONG TERM. But anyone that is holding Dinar should be happy with something even 10% of that amount as it still realises significant profit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Loops
    So many times have i seen that and so many times ive thought BULL. Now that IS apples to oranges. Not to mention it doesnt go into all the details.
    Correct - it IS apples and oranges because the whole politics and dynamics of the nation and region have changed dramatically since the exchange rate was $3.22. However, some of it is negative and some positive (negative... country in upheaval... positive... a democracy in place and not having a single person use the country's resource for his own agenda). There are many more but those are just 2. Does it mean $3.22 can't be reached ? Absolutely NOT - and I hope you aren't suggesting it can't be Loops.

    Quote Originally Posted by Loops
    "and know by personal contact within gov"

    Oh really? Where have i heard that one before.... Oh yeah on all the BS rumours over on IIF saying that their "Government source" said it was going to reval 2 years ago. So how do you know the iraqi govt and why the hell would they tell a random person like you.

    They wouldnt because that would be giving to much away.
    How do you know that the contact is a random person ? What if the source is a personal friend ? Went to college with the person ? Worked with the person ? Family friend ? So many possibilities that you want to dismiss out of hand Loops..... Many, however, will also be BS sources and contacts - but not necessarily all of them. Who to believe........

    Quote Originally Posted by Loops
    "Loops, you always come up with your own points re the dinar and what might or might not happen- you totally ignore or fail to take Adster or anybody elses views based on solid information and answer them."

    Their views are not at all based on solid information. They are based on their own personal interpretations of facts so warped that they are almost entirely opposite to what the facts state.

    Their views are views based on hope alone.
    And your views are based on nothing other than supposition either, are they now Loops ? YOUR views are also based on your own interpretation of the facts and information, correct ? Show me the FACTS and we can debate..... but until then you are no better than anyone else that is posting their own personal interpretation.. because unless you KNOW what is going on in Iraq then you are putting forth your INTERPRETATION OF THE FACTS - no better, no worse than Adster, OSW and everyone else.

    Quote Originally Posted by Loops
    Give me 8 equally factual points for why the dinar will go to 1-1 within the remainder of this year. Notice factual and not opinionated.

    There are a few yes but there are 10 times as many problems than there are benefits.
    As I said... I need to look at your 8 point road to "bursting the Dinar dream"...... will be back......

    Sorry if this is an antagonistic post.... and it is my FIRST post as well - sorry everyone.


  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loops
    Top part removed, stay on subject.-neno

    Ok heres some valid points for you...

    1. CBI has insufficient funds to support a rate of 1-1 regardless of what you say about faith etc. If 100 iraqis with 100 million dinars want to exchange their dinars for dollars the economy dies. Thats a pretty strong faith requirement. Id even go so far as to say that alqueda members with that much money would be able to do some serious damage here.

    Not to mention all of us. With regards to Al Queda they MIGHT have more money but with anti money-laundering regulation being so stringent worldwide these days they will STILL find it difficult (not impossible) to replenish their arsenal and armoury. Given the average wage in Iraq is VERY LOW the chances of many Iraqis having disposable funds of 100 million dinars I would have thought was quite slim. The CBI has insufficient funds to support 1:1 based on their being a complete and total run on the bank. I would think that speculators such as us are a drop in the ocean compared to world nations - and if those nations agree to not sell off their dinars until Iraq is on its feet (say 5 years) then there will be NO short term run on the bank. It may also be that the world's nations agree that the dinar they hold can only be exchanged at a pre-determined discounted rate to ensure that CBI isn't bankrupted (personal viewpoint there and definitely OPINION). You are also assuming that those 100 Iraqis would want to dump it all for US$ (or another currency) - why would they if they are nationals ?? They may wish to get some of it out of the country as a hedge but I doubt they would want to get it ALL out.

    2. The iraqis would be stuffed without smaller denoms in circulation immediatley. They would have to print the equivelant amount of notes in dinar to cover people wanting change for every single 25k 10k 5k 1k all the way down to usable levels. Thats a lorra lorra notes. Right.... BUT.... printing smaller denominations doesn't necessarily increase the money supply. They could just as easily have people turn in their 25k etc notes for smaller denomination notes and coins (or bank accounts) and then terminate the 25k etc denominations - would mean NO increase in the money supply.

    3. The vast enrichment of millions of iraqis would lead to a dangerous increase in voluntary unemployment. This would cause dutch disease and have a major negative effect on the economy and the country in general. That is an ASSUMPTION. Also, these people had an exchange rate of $3.22 in Saddam's term of dictatorship... were there high levels of voluntary unemployment then ? NOPE. Also, these people will have their standard of life enriched, will also have their wealth enriched - but given that their wages are so low I highly doubt their new-found wealth will be sufficient enough to retire.

    4. The security situation over there is not good enough to stop groups of gunmen from robbing local shops for their dinar all over the country causing nation wide fear and danger should a huge reval happen. Fair point.. but this also suggests that the gunmen don't have financial stability, correct ?? So tell me.... how does this make it any different to any other major nation in the world ? No different, and a pretty poor argument against a reval, in my OPINION.

    5. The terrorists would also be enriched and would be able to purchase many more weapons and more expensive weapons on the black market to cause us trouble with. With current reports of how they are running out of money why would we want to give them more? The terrorists will always find ways - or are you suggesting that in order to stop the terrorists we have to stop their wealth ? If so we may need to just declare the world (or at least arms and munitions providers) bankrupt..... without a reval there is just as much chance that the terrorists will be just as dangerous... because ordinary people won't have the money to support their families so will accept money (SMALL amounts) to commit bombings etc - so although I take your point about enriching them... there is also a valid view that by enriching the population that you REDUCE the terrorist activity. I would think (MY OPINION) that many terrorists are such not because of religious beliefs but because of their lack of personal financial stability (money DOES make the world go round).... so if you enrich the people you enrich the terror groups and stand a CHANCE of reducing their activity as they turn to less troublesome ways to enrich their own lves given their new-found financial stability.

    6. It would cause a massive cash influx to the country as people from all around jordan kuwait and us lot cash in our dinars for foriegn currencies.
    This would put a tremendous pressure on the CBI to cover this amount and keep the rate stable. Depends very much on just who owns the currency - I would think that nations abroad hold a whole lot more currency than the speculators such as us. So you should have said COULD cause a massive influx (sorry for pedantry).... but even so... it may NOT be the case - see, if the Dinar revalues are YOU going to personally travel to Iraq to cash in your dinars ?? Some might but I will go to my local bank and take their exchange rate. So again you are assuming that the banks will exchange their dinar - when it may actually be that the banks HOLD the dinar to give them banking reserves in that currency in the event that the currency further strengthens and indeed in the event that people may want to travel to Iraq and require Dinar. And this is without even mentioning the NATIONS themselves holding Dinar. So there might NOT be a massive influx.

    7. Foreign investors would be scared off by this period of huge instability and would back off until things calmed down as there is a possibility that it could rebound. Should a huge reval happen. But if they revalue they can force the currency to sit within an agreed upon range for a certain length of time (similar to when the Euro was coming to fruition and the member nations still had their own currencies they had to trade within pre-determined ranges with the Euro - long time ago so my recollection may be sketchy). Foreign investors will see the POTENTIAL for Iraq based on the natural resources it has at its disposal - otherwise why would companies like HSBC or Pepsi be in Iraq just now ??? Certainly foreign investors in the oil industry won't be hard to find - there is a wealth of KNOWN oil reserves so no E&P (exploration and production) is required - at least not the "E" part which can be the significant cost - they KNOW the reserves are there so they will spend a LOT of money to be pioneers in Iraq (which is already being seen with Northern Iraq where a company that was a partner of Shell Canada in oil sands oil production just signed a contract).

    8. The economy in general would be highly vulnerable and a media report of a terrorist threat or activity could cause a huge panic sell off of dinars to cash in whilst you can. Subsequently crashing the dinar. This is NO different to any other nation worldwide though and should NOT be a significant determining factor in revaluing the dinar. The US will more than likely be MORE susceptible to terrorist activity than Iraq will be (there is the cultural and religious difference which is more than the terror groups have against Iraqis and the nation of Iraq) - so there is a GREATER chance, in my opinion, that the US will be subject to terorist activity than Iraq will be. The terror activity would be greatly reduced anyway if the coalition forces were not IN Iraq. Your point is valid for sure - but I think its significance is only current - once coalition forces leave I believe that the terrorist activity will be vastly diminished. I don't see it as being a significant factor other than short term.

    How can you say these points are irrelevant? They ARE relevant Loops, but as you suggested them there are most definitely points of rebuttal and contention - I certainly hope you realise this.

    These i believe are highly relevant to our investment and the situation in general.

    I look forward to your response.
    I hope you enjoyed my response and rebuttal - I love debate and actually thank you for the chance to do so. You are obviously, to me, an intelligent person - and most certainly entitled to your opinion - I just hope that you accept differing viewpoints. It looks to me as though you WANT exactly the same as the rest of us but you have a degree of cynicism that it will be pulled off. Cynicism is healthy and, Loops, you should never lose that as it is the balance that every person should need when making decisions.

  7. #27
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    Cool Dinar

    Quote Originally Posted by Adster
    Yawn, yawn, where's that ignore button guys? better still, mods can't you ditch this 'plank'?
    It is in the members profile of the member you want to Ignore. But No I can not ditch him yet. I mean I could if I wanted too. But I dont yet. He brings a different Opioin and it makes you really study. I like that. He was warned of the finger pointing, but some of us was doing the same.

    EW started & moved it out of the thread to this thread. And to be honest it some good questions for some of us that really dont know. I got PM's to remove, But I also talked to others that said I shouldn't. In court that is called Reasonable Dault.

    melg must be a phsycologist. I can not spell it. You just gave some very good answers to Loop Thank You. I can use those answers as well. Helped my to read between the lines too.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno
    It is in the members profile of the member you want to Ignore. But No I can not ditch him yet. I mean I could if I wanted too. But I dont yet. He brings a different Opioin and it makes you really study. I like that. He was warned of the finger pointing, but some of us was doing the same.

    EW started & moved it out of the thread to this thread. And to be honest it some good questions for some of us that really dont know. I got PM's to remove, But I also talked to others that said I shouldn't. In court that is called Reasonable Dault.

    melg must be a phsycologist. I can not spell it. You just gave some very good answers to Loop Thank You. I can use those answers as well. Helped my to read between the lines too.

    I have no problem in debating with anyone, but when that person doesn't listen to what is being said and repeats the same questions again and again they are then a pain in the butt. He has already been kicked off IIF and probably others too, maybe this is his last port of call.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by melg
    Well I for one don't find your posts irrelevant Loops, you are entitled to your opinion no matter how much people dislike it. However, by the same token so too are THEY allowed their opinion. Your points deserve respect and response.

    In my humble opinion NONE of us should ignore the negative information coming out. People should be adult enough to make up their own minds but should be in possession of both negative AND positive. However...... Loops, it is remiss of you to say that you have bad "news" - more accurately you have a negative OPINION or SUPPOSITION of the current circumstance.

    Translation can always be lost Loops - I won't deny you that it could sound like lopping could happen but what someone says in one language can easily be interpreted differently in another. It could just as easily be thought of as being a revalue.... or what if the person making the statement MEANT Iraqi Dinar CURRENCY ? See, you are ASSUMING it is a zero lop because that is what you WANT to think.... much the same way as the cheer-leaders are ASSUMING it is a revalue.

    Because their language works a lot different to yours and mine. Translation problems have been around since time immemorial... one only needs to look at the Bible to see that. It might be just their way of detailing the revaluation. See, you have no more proof that it is a zero lopping than OSW, Adster et all have that it ISN'T.... yet you want to pass yours off as fact but accuse them of hearsay, which isn't right. Also, zeros can be mentioned for BOTH zero lopping AND revaluation - yet you only WANT to listen to your inner thoughts suggesting zero lopping.

    I haven't read them yet but will.... and WILL respond, no matter if I agree or disagree with them.

    That is where you are WRONG my friend. Hearsay and common sense need not be independent of each other - hearsay and common sense CAN go hand in hand - again, your play on words doesn't work from behind THIS PC screen. Common sense doesn't make it factual.... likewise hearsay doesn't make it inaccurate. Go look at the dictionary/thesaurus and you will likely find that these two terms can work together.

    I agree with you here - I have been reading for a while now and some of the treatment of you has been pretty poor - to the extent that people wanted you banned for merely being negative.... negativity is NEEDED for people to get a proper grasp on things and to allow them to be in full possession of information/rumour and opinion.... to be able to make a reasoned opinion on buying or not (no different to listening to differing analysts' views on buying/holding/selling on the stock exchange). However, you ALSO could be accused of the same because you are ignoring everyone on the positive side because it isn't what YOU want !!

    Did Adster know that you are from the UK ? What is the big deal anyway - this is off topic... but you may have felt a personal jibe - I won't get involved.

    I should hope that MOST of us IF this hits would be thinking of charity - I for one lost much of the dreams I had of being much more philanthorpical with the demise of PIPS. I hope to be given that opportunity once again with Dinar.

    Agreed that it doesn't - but by the same token it doesn't mean that there WON'T be a huge reval, does it ? The debt being forgiven is a step in the right direction for Iraq and the loans being in place mean countries are prepared to work with Iraq.

    Disagree here Loops. Yes it allows the reserves to build up but that is not ALL it does. Ridding ones nation of debt allows it to GROW as an economy if it has the financial acumen and resource to do so. Iraq most certainly has the resource to do so (Oil, agriculture, a stock exchange - and I am sure I am only breaking the tip of the iceberg). Yor figure of 0.10 to 1 is based on what ? That's right.... assumption and most certainly not fact.... yet at the foot of your email you look for factual rebuttal and not opinionated.... yet you feel that it is fair game for you to put forward your own opinions and pass them off as fact ?? Hypocritical my friend.

    that statement was maybe a bit naive from whoever said it BUT..... it was an opinion, not fact. So if you want to take that statement literally then that person NEVER overstated facts... they put forward an opinion. Personally.... I think that $3.22 is very much a LONG term objective - VERY LONG TERM. But anyone that is holding Dinar should be happy with something even 10% of that amount as it still realises significant profit.

    Correct - it IS apples and oranges because the whole politics and dynamics of the nation and region have changed dramatically since the exchange rate was $3.22. However, some of it is negative and some positive (negative... country in upheaval... positive... a democracy in place and not having a single person use the country's resource for his own agenda). There are many more but those are just 2. Does it mean $3.22 can't be reached ? Absolutely NOT - and I hope you aren't suggesting it can't be Loops.

    How do you know that the contact is a random person ? What if the source is a personal friend ? Went to college with the person ? Worked with the person ? Family friend ? So many possibilities that you want to dismiss out of hand Loops..... Many, however, will also be BS sources and contacts - but not necessarily all of them. Who to believe........

    And your views are based on nothing other than supposition either, are they now Loops ? YOUR views are also based on your own interpretation of the facts and information, correct ? Show me the FACTS and we can debate..... but until then you are no better than anyone else that is posting their own personal interpretation.. because unless you KNOW what is going on in Iraq then you are putting forth your INTERPRETATION OF THE FACTS - no better, no worse than Adster, OSW and everyone else.

    As I said... I need to look at your 8 point road to "bursting the Dinar dream"...... will be back......

    Sorry if this is an antagonistic post.... and it is my FIRST post as well - sorry everyone.

    Excellent post Melanie, you hit the nail on the head, and until all the facts are out, it is just that, a matter of opinion and interpretation. As to what was said on various web sites of dealers, all that was ever mentioned was what the value was at one time, and some related Kuwait as similar, but it was not, although some opinions say it was. The point about dealers posts seems to be where loops gets hell bent on, and there are very few dealers here of any kind, unlike other forum he was booted on.

    And just to clarify why he is not as welcome here as others are with differing views and opinions is easy to answer, he called us all nitwits right from the get go, and that is not the way to wade into a new forum with healthy debate, as I am sure you would agree. Welcome to the forum, and thanks for your valued input, it is refreshing the way you answered. (g)

    Good luck to all, Mike

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster

    I have no problem in debating with anyone, but when that person doesn't listen to what is being said and repeats the same questions again and again they are then a pain in the butt. He has already been kicked off IIF and probably others too, maybe this is his last port of call.

    Fair enough Adster, I understand and have read it all. I deeply respect you and Mike. Thank God I finally got out of the GZ thread and looked around and found you guys.

    And you are probably right about this being his last. If he learns anything, he should learn it here. Give him time he might just very well bury himself. This is why I ended up here to see if there are any name calling go on.

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