Conversation Between rajhere and just_krik

1 Visitor Messages


    can you change the plans to:

    120% after 5 Days
    Plan Spent Amount (US$) Profit (%)
    Plan 1 $5 - $100 110.00
    Plan 2 $101 - $301 115.00
    Plan 3 $301 and more 120.00
    Calculate your profit >>

    130% after 1 Week
    Plan Spent Amount (US$) Profit (%)
    Plan 1 $5 - $200 125.00
    Plan 2 $200 - $500 128.00
    Plan 3 $501 and more 130.00
    Calculate your profit >>

    1% daily Forever
    Plan Spent Amount (US$) Daily Profit (%)
    Plan 1 $1 and more 1.00

    many thanks, if you do.
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