The Getting The Money Bootcamp 2012

The Getting The Money Bootcamp 2012 | Size 7.84 GB

? How to acquire small, medium, and larger apartment buildings using syndication? and where to find the equity partners who are actively looking for deals like this.
? How to build your own multi-million dollar "line of credit"
? What "syndication" really is and how to determine if it's right for you.
? How to structure a syndication (including the proper paperwork) so you and your equity partners are always protected.

? How to approach potential equity partners with a deal so they instantly want to know where to sign.
? How you can get upfront profits by putting together a deal (usually 1-3% of the purchase price) and how to get monthly cash-flow and equity without putting any (or very little) of your own money up. You play deal maker? and profit big.
? The exact documents, disclosures, and legal protection you'll need to close a deal with a private lender? forget just one and you could be opening yourself up for SEC scrutiny or a lawsuit from a lender.
? What should be included in your disclosures to protect you and give your lenders comfort at the time of the loan.
? What "wiggle room" you have legally with this paperwork? AND what you really should do with every single private money loan that most investors neglect.
? A great way to structure your "loan offerings" to potential lenders that builds credibility and interest in just one page. We'll give you the loan offering template that we use for our business so you can use it too.
? What is a "subscription agreement"? and why most investors fail miserably when it comes to using one. But watch out: Some SEC attorneys say you NEED one.
? The proper step-by-step checklist you need to follow when closing deals. You'll get the exact checklist we use so you can make sure every step is completed on every deal.
? How to effectively follow-up with your private lenders after you close a deal? during the timeline of the note, and at payoff to provide an over the top customer experience. Your lenders will keep coming back with more investment dollars for YOU? and soon they'll refer their friends and family. (You'll even get our special payoff letter that gets referrals like crazy).
? How to effectively educate people with IRA's on the opportunities of private lending in real estate? and why now is the time to move their investment dollars.

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