Keith Weber - The Extreme Kettlebell Cardio Workout: Awaken the Athlete Within1 DVD | iso | 58 minutes | English | 3.80 GB
Genre: Health | Fitness

Webers pounding Extreme Kettlebell workout will give even the most seasoned athlete fresh legs-and the inspiration to take his game to the next level.
Lesser mortals: simply use lighter bells to start with, until you are ready to join the serious ranks of the super-conditioned.
Become a well-oiled, unstoppable machine and discover what toughness is really all about, with The Extreme Kettlebell Cardio Workout.
Heres a breakdown of what youll experience when you dive into Keith Webers brutal shakedown:
The Manmaker
Bang off with a series of challenging, hi-octane drills: 10 thrusters/side, 10 clean and presses/side, then 10 OH squats/side, 10 windmills/side, and finally 10 swings or snatches/side.
The Upper Body Blast
Continue with a blistering series of upper body oriented exercises strung together in push-pull fashion in order to prevent over-emphasizing one particular movement pattern and to avoid burning out too early. One side of the body, preferably the non-dominant side, is worked first, then the other. Places deliberate and unforgiving stress on the respiratory muscles. The exercises include, in order, windmills, push presses, cleans, clean and presses, rowing, pushups, upright rowing, then finally the hot potato drill.
The Leg Burner
You aint kidding! If youre not ready for this you could feel like youd sucked on gasoline then thrust a burning torch down your throat. Could be called the lung burner as well because of the intensity of this series. Just be prepared 10 overhead sq/side, 10 squat kicks/side, 10 overhead lunges/side, 10 tactical lunges/side, 10 swings/side, and finally 20 bodyweight squats.
The Swing Workout
Still standing? Then pound out a series of swing variations interspersed with the hot potato drill to allow the hip and thigh muscles to recover slightly, while keeping the heart rate high and working the core in a different way. The swing variations include one handed swings, high pulls, clean and presses, cleans, then back to standard swings. The clock says it only took 6:45, but youll swear the clock lied as every cell in your body screams for relief
The Slingshot
But wait, theres more savagery to be enjoyed: between the legs pass variation of the Slingshot is performed between sets of 2 handed drills including squats, overhead push presses, tactical lunges, thrusters. Thatll teach you!
The Turkish Getup
A "nice" way to finish off. 5 sets per side consisting of 2 getups, 2 overhead squats, 2 windmills, then 10 swings (2 handed) before switching sides and repeating the sequence. A good focus training as it is difficult to breathe, concentrate on form, and keep pushing through the fatigue at this stage of the training session. Also a dynamite routine done on its own.
Core Workout/Cooldown
Administer the final smacks to your battered body with this highly demanding routine cunningly crafted to scorch the pre-fatigued core muscles as well as hammer the last remnants of your cardiovascular system. This workout is unorthodox in the sense that the reps are high relative to what would be recommended for pure strength purposes. Live with it!

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