Scott Rewick - Media Mentors Unleashed Notes

Scott Rewick - Media Mentors Unleashed Notes

Affiliate Marketers Tired of Google Slaps *Novice and Expert Media Buyers Who Want To Grow *Online Business That Want To Grow

What Stops People From Moving Outside of Google?

Three barriers have kept most affiliates, media buyers and advertisers from blowing up their business with new media - the very secrets that let you blow past Google and into boatloads of cash! Here are those 3 barriers:

Barrier #1: Ad Networks are too complicated and difficult to learn. (Hundred+ ad networks out there. which ones work?) -I can show you.

Barrier #2: It takes too long to grasp just the basics. (Even beginner seminars took a minimum of 2 full days? sometimes 3 days, or more - plus travel time to and from the seminar location.) -If you've ever bought on Google, you are 95% there.

Barrier #3: It's too expensive (how does $50 to start sound?)

Why is this course so important?

With so much mis-information out there, coupled with so much change, continuing to rest your hopes with Google, centering your online strategy around article marketing, blogging, and other short term marketing opportunities is simply not going to cut it. If you're still on the fence about joining this program consider this:

-Ignoring the new media revolution is tantamount to putting your head in the sand and thinking you'll succeed

-I guarantee you that 95% of what is being taught out there in terms of successful media buying is either wrong, short lived or misleading

- This may be the last time I teach this material at the level I'm teaching it.

You Need A Simple To Understand Road Map For The World Outside Of Google!

What people aren't really teaching these days is a comprehensive system; a look at the world of online media buying that is exploding outside the walls of the Google kingdom. That's what this guide is. A media buying road map. But better yet, it shows you where exactly I've bought profitable media over the years and how you can do it too.

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