Mason Hipp and James Chartrand - The Unlimited Freelancer

Mason Hipp and James Chartrand - The Unlimited Freelancer

This book was written to help freelancers who want to become more profitable. The book focuses on three main points - technology that be beneficial to freelancers, constructing a team of freelancers, and what assets will help you gain more revenue. The technology that the book discusses includes software that can help freelancers manage projects, tips for automating accounting, and platforms that can help freelancers market themselves.

Regarding constructing a team, the book gives tips on how to find freelancers to work under you for a smaller wage and how to find other freelancers that you will work well with. Lastly, the book helps freelancers find the assets that will make them the most profitable. This book offers comprehensive advice to seasoned freelancers who want to make more money.

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