I am really outraged by the monopoly that Stormpay has created in the payment industry....Obviously they're creating a huge empire controlling, manipulating, and just plainly ripping off people...The last event with 12DailyPro, proves the real nature and characteristic of Stormpay....I have never heard anything more, plainly unfair, disloyal, and manipulative that the politics of Stormpay...They are just prohibiting programs from using other payment processors...With the threat that they will stop releasing funds to those programs...I think that such monopoly is against the free enterprise, competitve nature of a fair, free market. The next "victim" of the "money sharks (Stormpay) could be Alien Trust or any other processor that "defies" their outrageous, unfair and just plain ridicously overpriced fees. This HAS TO STOP! We can not allow their unilateral measures. They are basically in a position where they can charge whatever they want and we have to take it, because the programs already have a huge amount of members in their payment processor; this is certainly very disloyal (not taking into account all the money generated for them in the form of fees)...