Hey folks how ya doing? I m look at the fine folks at ROLCLUB and what do I see?
A bunch of self-deluded powder puff butt rangrers that are about as "savvy" as yesterdays crap I just took. How can you honestly believe this well-played out theatrical production known as "PIPS and the merry we still got your money *****ez inc"?

Are you ignorant or just gentically retarded when it comes to $$$?
As for the admins, I would liken them to virtual Nazis. Especially that joke of a shitstain known as Shell. If she even gets a whiff of bad gas from you, BANNED. Ate the wrong cereal this morning? Banned. Forgot to floss? BANNED.
Left the toilet seat up. BANNED.

All in all, I would like to wish all you fuc cccccc king dimwitted jizz stains here at RetardsOnLineClub a very miserable day :)