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    Co-Admin YogiBrood's Avatar
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    Default FAQ & queries raised on 10by5

    Closure and ceasing sign-ups through RC Cycler Team

    In light of the latest events surrounding the displeasure that RC has uncovered, Admin, myself and Neno have decided to stop the Cycler program within our Forum.

    It is a painful decision and as it now stands.... the path leading to this as a consequence of what has been openly admitted, Barry has admitted being Bryan Marsden.

    To this effect, Admin of RC has requested that we halt further support and cease any link with BM's initiatives on whatever programs he launches which would implicxate ROLClub in any future and unnecessary leagl entanglement, should RC, after discovering the identity of Barry to be Bryan Mardsden, and be considered to be a proponent in any of BM's program initiatives.

    For this, we cannot afford to be seen and viewed as a co-operating net operator unless we deliberately continue from hereon once this has been established.

    To allow members to absorb this shock and surprise on this revelation and decision, I shall leave the thread open until Thursday 17th, 2006 at midnite.

    This will allow ANYONE, who wishes to continue to sign up for the Cycler 10by5, may do so at the 10 by 5 Cycler Humanitarian Aid Program website.

    We shall not be participating nor be purseuing any more from this Forum in ROLClub.

    I wish you all, together with Neno and on behalf of ROLClub..the best in your faith in the Cycler so long as it takes to survive... I wish you all the best as well. It is a choice you have to decide for yourself but we shall not encourage nor deny you this right of your liberty to make the choice you are responsible by your decision.

    We have and we will, not be implicated by ANY Finanacial Institution or Govt Body to charge us after this date, because we have only just realised that we allowed BM to pursue a program within our Forum without prior knowledge of his commitmentments placed elsewhere which bears a conflict of interest to ROLClub, we will not allow that opportunity to take us down that path.

    NO MORE SIGN UPS through ROLClub Cycler Team members on this Forum as of Aug. 16th, 2006.

    This thread will be closed and as of Friday 18th, 2006, it shall be removed.



    Cycler closure in RC

    I will have this set aside so anyone who has a burning doubt, before wanting to sign up, please post your queries or questions if you like in this thread made to accomodate for just this purpose. Barry and Neno and myslef respectively will help you out with the answers you seek.

    YB, Neno and Admin (Barry James of Cycler 10by5).
    Last edited by YogiBrood; 15-08-2006 at 11:47 PM.

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