I have receieved several e-mails which indicated SI is still coming back.

high friends

The notices about FBI , Interpol involvment are fakenotices.both
organisations have zero interest on SI
. WHY? Because the rules,which
we all aggree, of SI and other Hyipsites locked this possibilty,also
isn t true that the accounts are frozen from some lawyers, there are
simply imposed valuelimits,for the moment
, this means they can t
receive payments, but they can pay.For my part i evry was and always i
be sure that, in a few days more, SI will be back, and we will be paid.

I was scammed by Vasco, Baltic,SLI,AND E Bank, all them worked at the
same way when they have gone,but SI made it very diffrent(see the
posts of pingman,in other forum ,he wrote what i think).

And at last have a look on the official notices over the birdflue
vacunation from today,(england and belgium).
I think there was the problem with the payment.But with this notices
it will be resolved to.


Things will get better. I am also down in the dumps and will go back
to work. The up side I did invest in (small invests) several programs
which are moving. We can recover, we just need to go slow and pull out
quicker. I also hope SI comes back, it would be better for Sosa and
Colins anyway. Pay us something and see what happens. It makes no
sense to pay SoftLayer a grand and do nothing so things may happen anyway.
It is also odd that ecurrency is still registerd, as is SI.

Oh well, we will survive and if we keep each other updated on our
invests that work perhaps we can all get into one good one!

