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Thread: For Billy Bti

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    Default For Billy Bti

    Quote Originally Posted by Billy
    I have been suspicious of the posts that appear and at this point remain skeptical at times. However in a recent conversation I had with Tom
    Broadbridge of The Kids Bible, he indicated that Bryan has indeed been
    posting some in that forum. Bryan has posted that the BN investigation is
    ongoing with no end in sight yet. Many of the posts have not really
    sounded like the Bryan Marsden I knew and read posts from in the past..
    but some of the posts were consistent enough with information that I HAD
    gotten from him that I do believe at least some of them to be genuine.
    As we all know though from our experiences in the PIPS forum in the same
    forum structure.. especially in a free forum it can be hacked and abused
    and therefore is always suspect.
    ROLCLUB was not compromised. Our "Tell a friend" was used to spam, and since you did not understand how it works, then let me tell you. Its a open link, and anybody could have used that.

    We have all security measures implemented to make it a secure place. I mean what other security measures could you have on internet making your forum more secure costing $110, and our free, especially when parts of the stuff you post on your forum is a direct copy from a FREE forum!???Maybe a compromised forum?!!!!!

    To the rest about beeing a free forum, yes we are a free forum for members and i will try to keep it this way. And to whatever you are trying to spread about us, thinking nobody would understand what your trying to do!?!

    by beeing so "suspicious"??? Just a hint, why dont you try a free forum? Atleast you wont have to be so "suspicious in your postings", in order to get some members?

    Ray Marek

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