Type of program: Matriz force 5x8

Payment processor: Payza

Initial investment: A unique pay 5$

Date of creation: 01/06/2012

Program created by programers, the money pay directly for payza

-100% payback commission
-$5 to $200 for each member 8 levels deep
-get paid instantly in you payza
-no admin fee
-break Even with your First referral
-unlimited residual Income!
-only $5 from you pocket to join us!

Compensation Details

Level 1 >>Upgrade cost is $5<<

You get paid from your 5 referrals.

You can win $5 x 5= $25

Level 2 >>Upgrade cost is $8<<

Your 5 direct referrals get their 5 referreals

You get paid from your 25 tier 2 referrals.

You can win $8 x 25 = $200

Level 3 >>Upgrade cost is $15<<

Your 25 tier 2 referrals get their 5.

You can win $15 x 125 = $1875

Level 4 >>Upgrade cost is $30<<

Your 125 tier 3 referrals get their 5.

You can win $30 x 625 = $18750

Level 5 >>Upgrade cost is $50<<

Your 625 "tier 4 " referrals get their 5.

So $50 x 3125 = $156250

Level 6 >>Upgrade cost is $80<<

Your 3125 "tier 5" referrals get their 5.
So $80 X 15625 = $1250000

Level 7 >>Upgrade cost is $120<<

Your 15625 "tier 6" get their 5.

You can win $120X 15625 = $9375000

Level 8 >>Upgrade cost is $200<<

Your 78125 "tier 7"get their 5.

You can win $200 X 390625 = $78125000

Total Income: $88.927.100!!