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  1. #661
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    I got my call Gang. I have a few lines to share. I am excited so I hope I explain this very Well.

    To start with, my freind tells me we will see the exchange rate start to move again like before. He says that the street rate is already 23 below todays 1278. Should move 11 here and 12 there and carry on from there over the next couple days.

    I spent some more time with him on the June07 talk we shared before. He is still gunned on the security & stabillity control. If this all goes well, we will, break the .30 mark. I talked about the Norm that we somuch discuss here and there. You all know, like 1.20 - 3.22 He explained to me that that is very possible, but not now. He is right on target with OSW when it comes to the "Norm" that Shababi talks about to be the pre-invassion exchange rate of .33

    To me personaly, it make great sence, since Saudia Arabia is at .27 We discussed that a bit about how we need to compare the two for the beginning of Iraq's Great Wealth to come to Reality. They have the same comparisons, with Iraq in Peace, with Oil, Population, Tarrain, and more. I ask well what about Jrodan & Kuwait for their value. He explained to me that their population is so small, compared to Iraq & Saudi, that they can have this. Not saying that the two can not either. but in reality for a speculation, "NO".

    We also got on the subject of Halliburtons move. It is because on convieniousey, for major equipment, and other needs as well. He told me Exxon (his personal freind) is there on the Ground ready and just waiting for the HCL to be signed. He tells me that the HCL is done. Again we read what they want us to hear. Alot of truth to it, but with a disquise too. (As Adster has noted just today)

    We talked about the ISX. This is Big he says. When this goes live, the sky is the limit. That is really it that I can share with the forum for now. I hope this gives all some relief along with all the News that has came out. We are getting there Gang. Just hang in there and stay incontrol. If I misspelled anything, Oh Well. Have a Great day.

    Hi Neno, just curious if you've had any updates on this info?

  2. #662
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    thanx i think we all needed that information

  3. #663
    Senior Investor ronbo's Avatar
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    I thought I remembered reading that the reason For Saudi's value being lower (.27) is because they use 100 fils as opposed to 1000 like Kuwait, Iraq, and Jordon. Will, or does this make any difference?

  4. #664
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    Thanks Dog......i'm Back Up.......keep The Info Coming This Point Any News Is Good News........thanks Again For Sharing.

  5. #665
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    Cool Nope.

    Quote Originally Posted by dogeatdog View Post
    Hi Neno, just curious if you've had any updates on this info?
    Not as of yet. Dont know if it is going to matter. Seems Iraq GOP will do as they want when they want. Will keep trying.

  6. #666
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    Not as of yet. Dont know if it is going to matter. Seems Iraq GOP will do as they want when they want. Will keep trying.

    Thanks much. Totally agree. Would love to see the bigger drops occurring again as your source suggested, but can never be sure what they are planning......or stumbling into.....

  7. #667
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    Cool I borrowed this from rvalreadydang

    Alot of this goes into my freinds saying. Exspecally the last two paragraphs. Thank for the article.

    Quote Originally Posted by rvalreadydang View Post
    Undersecretary of the Iraqi Ministry of Industry : privatization will begin from where other states
    أكد سطThe country's needs for foreign labor and in large numbers in the medium term

    ابدى عاملة.A Mohamed Abdullah Al-Ani, undersecretary of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals Iraqi and supervisor corporate activities, the concept of reservation on the phenomenon of unemployment in Iraq, saying the absence of the so-called employment-performing, but our current neutralization of the labor market and labor force.
    واضاف».Ani added that <situation in the country that is currently causing the elimination of the labor market, but it could be argued that, according to the laws, which recently approved, and especially the investment and the free market, which drafted the Ministry of Industry, a large part of them, capable of putting an end to the concept of unemployment>.

    .He pointed out that, according to recent studies, it was found that after the completion of the final picture of the Iraqi economy, it is expected that there will be an additional demand for foreign labor, and even non-technical them, pointing out that this means that all labor Iraq will not secure the actual need for the labor market, and this will be achieved over the medium term , or in a few years from now.

    واو.He explained that if we Ani a fraction of the files recent investment of the Ministry of Industry, and the establishment of 18 projects for the production of cement, we find they need more than 60 thousand workers, or one third of the staff of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals, of 190 thousand workers, covering more than 60 producing company.

    وحمل.Carrying and Undersecretary of the Ministry of Industry responsibility of the security situation faced by Iraq, saying in context : the challenge now is the security situation, some days ago one of the companies forced to close their doors completely, as a result of receiving a threat from one of the armed groups, either closure or bombing electricity system, in case of continuation of such harassment can build institutions capable of absorbing labor, stressing that unless there the protection of investors and investment funds and production, can be implemented investment laws.

    وفي التوجه».In regard to the orientations of the ministry of privatization of the public sector and transform it into a free-market system, the agent that <the Ministry of Industry and Minerals and since 2003 has a clear and consistent in this regard, although penalized by the three ministers, a file system like outlines turn of the Minister to another without having the ability to change, is based on the frameworks designed carefully, and by qualified professionals, and also contains the experiences of many countries that have preceded us in this direction>.

    وتابع .He added : and the structure of the ministry is now fit and gradual transition to the free market and not sudden transformation, noting that the creation of two Deputy Minister, one representing the Ministry of Industry, in a time of socialism and the public sector, and the other is a free market, explaining that the first companies create and develop, and then deliver them to another project ready to try the free market.

    ».He added in this area that experts of the Ministry of Industry Astvawa much from the experiences of other countries, especially Romania, Russia, Jordan, Egypt and other countries, aware of the failures that Sentjaozha in our experience, which will serve as a pilot experiment, unique, as they start from where they left States>.

    وعن واقع .And the fact that companies and the Ministry of Industry between <companies affiliated to the ministry, divided into three parts, including production companies, winning the same time, which are subject to development and increase production capacities and this means more profits, including pharmaceutical companies, cement, oil and engineering equipment.

    ».There are also companies that stand on the line of self, or close to the profit and loss, which require the support of the transfer to the category of profit-making companies and then transferred, and finally a loss-making companies and the need to be developed as the study and application of solutions to improve the level gradually until delivery to the projects are to be converted or privatization>.

    .He stressed Ani in this regard, we do not want to begin the privatization of non-profitable projects, because this would affect the viability of the private sector, but on the contrary Our initiative with the support of the private sector and the advancement of its level in order to be able to take responsibility in the near future, especially as all the world's experiences have proved that the socialist sector the more, and left only in a few countries which are suffering due to this system.

    وأكد .Ani stressed that the door is now open for the free wide, but this does not mean all the conditions failure of public sector management of his companies, there are experiences that have shown just the opposite, and the proof is the success of the company <SABIC> Saudi Arabia, which is still profitable to this day, and its shares are the most popular in the circulation market. ية.They also Ani to the problems facing the industrial sector in its march towards the Iraqi transition, emphasizing in this area : we are still working laws and was born and grew up in an atmosphere of socialist and the prevailing strategies tended to be of concern to military matters and civil negligence.

    كما كان.As is the nature of the prevailing thoughts company has developed a full order to satisfy because of his close associates and administration to get him to sit on a chair, without thinking of the project's success or failure, as were the industry leading to the blow when nationalization was successful industries and turned into dependent industries do not take into account quality of competition and measure it, and despite all that has benefited from this experience and that we all must work to improve the environment, which will be built by the private free, such as the banking and legal without which the private sector could not work and investment and reform of the economy could not be integrated without such an environment.

    وعما حققهح».Achieved and what the Iraqi economy during the past four years explained <that the Iraqi economy, despite what some sensation in her, the economy is good, and when security and stability is achieved, the world will see that one of the most successful experiences, and less of what we have achieved over these years is a departure tests proved successful, and also recognizing the unique laws of its kind, such as the Investment Law and the Law of the oil, gas and process of economic reform, which provide all the success factors, what enjoyed by Iraq to help it is success has everything and needs only to the security, but could not determine the duration of the reform>.

    وعن .Regarding preparations prepared by the Iraqi industry for the implementation of the Investment Law, it was calculated between him long before, but has worked to develop organizational chart, stressing that the ministry was not surprised by the law and has many files full investment, and investment will be announced soon to reform corporations, it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  8. #668
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    Lightbulb Independent????

    Quote Originally Posted by nikki View Post
    excuse me, but i'm NOT crusty and i'm NOT a Lib or fact, i was a registered Repuke all my life till this lieing administration pulled a Clinton on this country, now i'm forever a registered INDEPENDENT....

    carry on....
    Too bad independents will never have much of a voice! You heard of that party called the "Constitution Party"? They want us to go back to the beginning?? I wish we could but it's 2007 and not the 1700's!! Dems and the Reps hold all the power...

    Last edited by *CLEO*; 20-03-2007 at 06:02 AM. Reason: better wording

  9. #669
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    Quote Originally Posted by *CLEO* View Post
    Too bad independents will never have much of a voice! You heard of that party called the "Constitution Party"? They want us to go back to the beginning?? I wish we could but it's 2007 and not the 1700's!! Dems and the Reps hold all the power...

    Now-now, lets take our toys go home, and maybe we can play again tomorrow.

  10. #670
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    since this is the rumor section...i emailed a psychic, sean david morton who runs an investment/advisary co based on his intuitive powers, his opinion re the nid is as follows:

    what does your intuition tell you re the new iraqi dinar? i am asking psychics to weigh in on this. the rumor is that the currency is in a position to revalue as much as 1:1.

    Dear XXXX,

    CHASE and US and UK banks have taken over the entire system so it looks pretty darn good right about now!

    May mighty angels bless and keep you always.

    take it for what its worth. sometimes hes right-sometimes hes wrong.

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