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  1. #811
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    I just saw that it was postponed as congress is on vacation for Reggis & Kelly Week in Vegas...but, my source within the congressional lunch room said "Beef today...chicken tomorrow...stew by friday..." buy dollars!!! at United States Department of the Treasury - Home special discount rate....$1200 USD/Dinar.


  2. #812
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodney ewalt View Post
    Neno and others, I will be very interested to see if Bank of America has a new rate of exchange fo the dong on Monday morning. Whether it's the same as last Thursdays lastest posted rate or a bit more or less does not matter, what matters is, do they have a rate of exchange for the dong or not. If there is still no rate then that tells me there may not be a rate until the revalue is confirmed. If there is a rate, then trading or exchanging or order placing or what every you wish to call it should resume. If there is no resumption in trade or exchange, then in my opinion, we are set for revalue very soon.
    It does not make any sence to me that B of A can not or will not provide a rate of exchange for this currency. To say, we can not fill any orders at this time is one thing but to say that we have no rate of exchange does not make sence. There is always an exchange rate, always! I also find it interesting that CBV website is down. I can't wait for Monday.

    None of the options, my friend....BofA took the VND off their currency list.

    Bank of America | Please Select Your State

    SO, what do we make out of that now?
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  3. #813
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    With B of A it has now become a situation of now you see it now you dont. Vietnam is gone of the list as you also noticed. I checked it at 02:00am Pacific and it was there. Not No More...............What the h...

  4. #814
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    Hello Dinar Gang and RC Members. I have been waiting 3 days to post this as I have been waiting for Articles to come out indicating what my Freind has shared with me.

    I haven't been watching as much as I have asked a couple of others (1 here at Rolclub) to do it for me, cause all there is left to me is the "RV".

    My Freind has shared with me last Thursday that he has heard "LIVE" that the "HCL" was and has been "PASSED". The news he said, would start rolling out as early as Saturday and more on Monday.

    I will not answer questions on this as I am telling it all how I got it, and no need to answer anything. Only thing now to do IMHO, is to just watch for the News.

    Also the ICompactI signing that is schedualed for the May 3rd IConferenceI at the IcovenantI meeting not going to happen. Why? I am told that it is going to be a signed a week earlier.

    Now My Opinion:

    I am sharing all this to give more Faith and Courage in your Investment. Cause I believe that the Dong isnt going to happen tomorrow. (even tho I have been told twice in two different situations of the 0.06225) It will but not tomorrow. Why? Cause Iraq is Moving and going to meet the deadlines that have been set. Now, if they hadn't started moving on the issues at hand, than the Dong would of went tomorrow. Now, I believe that they will go together. One right after the other as the IMF doesnt want a Double dipping effect.

    Thank to all and we will see soon enough.
    Thank you so much for sharing this, Neno!

  5. #815
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  6. #816
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    Hey, Neno...Good to see you . LOL

    My thanks attached for the news . I am loving it.

    However, why do you think BofA took the VND off their currency rate list?
    Any idea?
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  7. #817
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    Cool Yes Several....

    Quote Originally Posted by Jola View Post
    Hey, Neno...Good to see you . LOL

    My thanks attached for the news . I am loving it.

    However, why do you think BofA took the VND off their currency rate list?
    Any idea?
    But bottomline, they got more information now as if has been made aware to them if they didn't realise in the first place. Personally, I think it is all good. The IMF is going to try and stop the Double Dipping as much as they possibly can is my Opinion.

    Read that link above on page 18 of the ICI Documents. It's a pdf file, so load it up and have a good read of the ICI. Looks Good.

  8. #818
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    Default What could this mean?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jola View Post
    None of the options, my friend....BofA took the VND off their currency list.

    Bank of America | Please Select Your State

    SO, what do we make out of that now?
    The fact that BofA has taken the VND off there site tells me that revalue is just around the corner. I think that they did not expect to recieve so many orders for the currency as they did and that if they had only known that this was going to happen, they would have waited for the R/V before they offered the currency for exchange.

  9. #819
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    Default Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hello Dinar Gang and RC Members. I have been waiting 3 days to post this as I have been waiting for Articles to come out indicating what my Freind has shared with me.

    I haven't been watching as much as I have asked a couple of others (1 here at Rolclub) to do it for me, cause all there is left to me is the "RV".

    My Freind has shared with me last Thursday that he has heard "LIVE" that the "HCL" was and has been "PASSED". The news he said, would start rolling out as early as Saturday and more on Monday.

    I will not answer questions on this as I am telling it all how I got it, and no need to answer anything. Only thing now to do IMHO, is to just watch for the News.

    Also the ICompactI signing that is schedualed for the May 3rd IConferenceI at the IcovenantI meeting not going to happen. Why? I am told that it is going to be a signed a week earlier.

    Wow NENO was dead on with this info! That is some scary stuff! OK when did, or did he give a RV date?

  10. #820
    Senior Member darock0116's Avatar
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    Could The ICI Been Signed Already May 3 Is Just a Party!!!!!!
    Thanks to Chaka for the find, this is HUGH!!!

    Dr. Barham Salih terminate preparations for launching the document the

    (صوت العراق) - 24-04-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 24-04-2007

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    الدكتور برهم صالح ينهي التحضيرات لاطلاق وثيقة العهد الدولي
    Dr. Barham Salih terminate preparations for the launch and the International Covenant document

    PUKmedia: عقد الدكتور برهم احمد صالح نائب رئيس الوزراء امس الاثنين اجتماعا مع عدد من السفراء وممثلي البعثات الدبلوماسية لدى العراق، بحضور السادة ممثل الامين العام للامم المتحدة في العراق اشرف قاضي وممثل صندوق النقد الدولي وممثل الاتحاد الاوربي، وبعض المسؤولين العراقيين، وتم بحث الشراكة الدولية بين العراق والمجتمع الدولي واختتام التحضيرات لاطلاقها بأسم (وثيقة العهد الدولي) يوم الثالث من ايار القادم في منتجع شرم الشيخ بمصر.وعقب انتهاء الاجتماع عقد الدكتور برهم احمد صالح مؤتمراً صحفيا مشتركاً مع ممثل الامين العام للأمم المتحدة، اكد فيه ان هذا الاجتماع هو آخر اجتماع قبل اطلاق وثيقة العهد الدولي.
    PUKmedia : holding Dr. Barham Ahmed Salih Deputy Prime Minister yesterday, Monday, meeting with a number of ambassadors and representatives of diplomatic missions to Iraq, the presence of Messrs. representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations in Iraq, Ashraf Qazi, representative of the International Monetary Fund and the representative of the European Union, and some Iraqi officials, and discuss international partnership between Iraq and the international community and Closure preparations for the launch on behalf of (a document of the International) on the third of May next in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. Following the meeting was held, Dr. Barham Ahmed Saleh held a joint press conference with a representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations, saying that this meeting is the last meeting before releasing the document the international community.

    وبدوره اشار نائب رئيس الوزراء الى ان مشروع وثيقة العهد الدولي يمثل خارطة الطريق لاطلاق الاصلاحات السياسية والاقتصادية لتوفير اجواء استثمار رؤوس الاموال في العراق.
    In turn, the Deputy Prime Minister pointed out that the draft document represents the International road map to launch political and economic reforms to provide the atmosphere of capital investment in Iraq.
    من جانبه تحدث ممثل الامين العام للامم المتحدة قائلاً: هدفنا من التعاون مع العراق هو لتقديم الدعم والاسناد للحكومة العراقية عن طريق اطلاق مشروع العهد الدولي الذي سنعمل سوية من اجل تنفيذه خلال 5 اعوام.
    For his part, representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations, saying : Our cooperation with Iraq is to provide support and backing to the Iraqi government through the release of the draft International Covenant which will work together to implement over five years.
    من جانب اخر ، التقى هوشيار زيباري وزير الخارجية امس الاثنين مع السفير الامريكي رايان كروكر وتباحثا في عدد من القضايا ذات الاهتمام المشترك.
    On the other hand, met with Hoshyar Zebari, the Foreign Minister, yesterday, Monday, with the American ambassador Ryan Crocker and they discussed a number of issues of common interest.
    وتحدث وزير الخارجية عن أهم التطورات لاسيما المؤتمر الأخير في جنيف حول الاحتياجات الانسانية للنازحين العراقيين والاتصالات التي اجراها مع نظرائه الوزراء في الدول المعنية بالاجتماع الوزاري الموسع لدول الجوار والدول دائمة العضوية في مجلس الامن ومجموعة الدول الصناعية الثمان ( G8 ) والامم المتحدة ومنظمة المؤتمر الاسلامي وجامعة الدول العربية، وكذلك التحضيرات الخاصة باجتماع شرم الشيخ في الرابع من ايار القادم.وأكد زيباري على الحاجة الى التنسيق بين البلدين لانجاح الاجتماع.
    The Foreign Minister talked about the most important developments especially the recent conference in Geneva on the humanitarian needs of displaced Iraqis and his contacts with his counterparts in the countries concerned ministers Ministerial Meeting expanded to neighboring countries and the permanent members of Security Council and the Group of Eight industrialized countries (G8), the United Nations and OIC and the League of Arab States Arab, as well as preparations for the Sharm el-Sheikh meeting on the 4th of May next. Zebari stressed the need for coordination between the two countries for the success of the meeting.
    كما تحدث زيباري عن فرق العمل لدول جوار العراق والتي أقر تشكيلها بموجب اعلان اجتماع بغداد لدول جوار العراق الذي عقد في بغداد في العاشر من اذار الماضي.
    Zebari also talked about working teams to the neighboring countries of Iraq, which endorsed the formation under the Baghdad meeting of the neighboring countries of Iraq which was held in Baghdad on the 10th of last March.
    من جانبه عبر السفير كروكر عن حرص الولايات المتحدة على مشاركة جميع دول الجوار والاطراف المعنية الاخرى في المؤتمر القادم.
    For his part, Ambassador Crocker of the United States was keen on the participation of all the neighboring countries and other interested parties in the next congress.

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