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  1. #311
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gloribee View Post
    If you need to escape and cross the Canadian border, look me up. We have safe houses all over for you guys...LOL

    PS. our ship leaves at midnight

    oooooh, ships that pass in the nite? are disguises required?? can i bring my cat? and will snacks be provided????
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

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  3. #312
    Banned archangel's Avatar
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    Voices of Iraq : Iraq - WTO
    كتب: nakr2004 في يوم السبت, 24 فبراير, 2007 - 04: 43 PM BTBooks : nakr2004 on Saturday, February 24, 2007-04 : 43 PM BT

    مصدر امريكي: العراق يستعد للانضمام الى منظمة التجارة العالم يةSource : U.S. Iraq is preparing to join the World Trade Organization Yeh من هادي الهاديBy Hadi Hadi
    بغداد-(أصوات العراق)Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    قال كريك هاول مسؤول تطوير القطاع الخاص في الوكال ة الامريكية للتنمية الدولية ببغداد اليوم السبت ان الحكومة العراقية استكملت الاجراءات والضواب ط لطلب العضوية في منظمة التجارة العالمية.Craig Howell said official development of the private sector in Alukal e America for International Development in Baghdad today, Saturday, The Iraqi government completed procedures and Dhawab i applied for membership in the World Trade Organization.
    واضاف هاول في مؤتمر صحفي عقده اليوم ببغداد أن" ال حكومة العراقية استكملت اجراءاتها المتعلقة بطل ب العضوية في منظمة التجارة العالمية وتستعد لاجر اء اول حوار مع المنظمة خلال نيسان ابريل القادم في جنيف بسويسرا."Howell added in a press conference held today in Baghdad that "the the Iraqi government completed procedures for the champion b membership in the World Trade Organization and prepares to wage the first purchase of a dialogue with the organization through next April Geneva, Switzerland. "
    واوضح أن" العراق كان قد تقدم بطلب العضوية في المن ظمة عام 2004 وقد شكلت فريق عمل لدراسة الطلب والتن سيق مع الحكومة العراقية على اصلاح السياسة التجا رية ومتطلبات الانضمام."He explained that "Iraq has submitted a request for membership in the Manna Zema 2004 has formed a working group to examine the demand and tuna taken with the Iraqi government on policy reform refuge Rayya and the requirements of accession. "
    وقال" وفي عام 2005 رفعت الحكومة العراقية مذكرة ف يها سرد تفصيلي لجميع الجوانب ذات الصلة بالنظام ا لتجاري الحالي في العراق."He said : "In 2005 the Iraqi government note rose P my detailed account of all relevant aspects of a system for the current business in Iraq. "
    واشار الى أن "الحكومة العراقية اكملت جميع الشرو ط الاجرائية والموضوعية من اجل الدعوة الى عقد اجت ماع للفريق الخاص بانضمام العراق للمنظمة."He pointed out that "the Iraqi government had completed all Charo i procedural and substantive requirements for the call to hold Agt flashing of the Special Group in Iraq's accession to the Organization. "
    وبين هاول أن" سرعة عملية الانضمام او العضوية الك املة لمنظمة التجارة العالمية تعتمد على سير المف اوضات "وقال ان" اقصر عملية انضمام استغرقت سنتين وعشرة اشهر كانت لجمهورية كرغيستان وان اطول انضم ام استغرق ثلاثة عشر عاماً كان للصين."And Howell to "speed up the process of joining or membership Ko hope of the World Trade Organization depends on the functioning Almf Odat "and said that" the shorter the accession process lasted two years and ten months of the Republic of the longest and joined Krgistan Or took thirteen years for the China. "
    وردا على سؤال حول فائدة الحصول على عضوية المنظمة قال هاول"عضوية العراق في منظمة التجارة فيها ضما ن وصول السلع والخدمات العراقية بدون تمييز الى ال اسواق الخارجية وكذلك اشارة قوية لاعادة اندماج ا لعراق في المجتمع العالمي فضلاً عن ان العضوية تكس ب العراق علاقات تجارية اكثر استقراراً الى جانب ت مكينه من الوصول الى نظام تسوية المنازعات في منظم ة التجارة العالمية وتوفير خيار اكبر للمستهلكين للاختيار بين النوعيات."In response to a question about the usefulness of obtaining membership of the Organization Howell said, "Iraq's membership in the World Trade Organization where annexation n access for goods and services without discrimination to the Iraqi Al foreign markets, as well as a strong signal for the reintegration of a in Iraq, in the world community as well as the organic Tex b Iraq more stable trade relations to the T. capable of access to the dispute settlement system in the orderly e Trade Organization and to provide greater choice for consumers to choose between brands. "
    وقال" والاهم من ذلك كله تعزيز الدخل وتحفيز النمو الاقتصادي وفرص العمل والتقليل من فرص الفساد وتش جيع الحكم الرشيد."He said, "and most importantly enhance income and stimulate growth Economic and employment opportunities and reduce the opportunities for corruption Watch Jia good governance. "
    Translated version of Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq

  4. #313
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    My very first post here in this section of Rolclub, was a link to that site. Guess what? I got a real royal Bashing for that one. No Joke. Back in the History Thread, the first one. Around the 90 pages.

    I never have visited that site again.

    PS, It was OSW that set me Straight.

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  6. #314
    Senior Member jpadrino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigjase1 View Post
    Hi all,

    i spoke more with my bro last night..although it has been said it will go monday (pegged euro) there is a small poss that a old rate might be used the one thing he did state is that all these dinar furoms are watched and if sensitive info gets out they withdraw plans..we must be careful what is put out..if a member of the army or any officals get found out to be passing senitive info they will be done for it i hear there were a few doss attacks done to this site after what my bro said its poss its from the us or iraq officals hiding things from specs eyes so pls protect ur sources.pls understand that my bro does not want me to say what he does..i will state that he is protection for a offical (muscle)i hope peps understand .thank you
    Quote Originally Posted by duck2000 View Post
    yes this is true i have been told yesterday to watch what i say not to release to much more!
    Have we become our own worst enemies? Maybe we should cool it for awhile. I have faith the RV will happen very soon. It may happen Monday. The Iraqi people need this more than we do imo. Let's help them and ourselves. Everybody with me?

  7. #315
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    Default Books!

    Quote Originally Posted by jpadrino View Post
    Have we become our own worst enemies? Maybe we should cool it for awhile. I have faith the RV will happen very soon. It may happen Monday. The Iraqi people need this more than we do imo. Let's help them and ourselves. Everybody with me?
    Hey JP!

    I found the series of the three books you ask me to get for my son, They should be here in a few days. I got them in audio format to make it a little more interesting for my son...Thank you for the start of a new begining.


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  9. #316
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigjase1 View Post
    Hi all,

    i spoke more with my bro last night..although it has been said it will go monday (pegged euro) there is a small poss that a old rate might be used the one thing he did state is that all these dinar furoms are watched and if sensitive info gets out they withdraw plans..we must be careful what is put out..if a member of the army or any officals get found out to be passing senitive info they will be done for it i hear there were a few doss attacks done to this site after what my bro said its poss its from the us or iraq officals hiding things from specs eyes so pls protect ur sources.pls understand that my bro does not want me to say what he does..i will state that he is protection for a offical (muscle)i hope peps understand .thank you
    It is difficult for me to believe that the GoI, MoF, and especially the CBI would alter strategic economic/ financial plans likely developed at the onset of our liberation of Iraq because of forum members like us on multiple sites speculating about the future worth of the dinar. I have been a speculative holder of dinar for three years and I can assure you, we are irrelevant regarding strategic implementation of Iraq's economic and financial progression set forth in a master plan long ago and likely comprised of international power players whose influence we can't even fathom. More is occuring behind the scenes than we will ever know, imo. As long as the dinar reverts to a significant value, I simply don't need or care to know how it evolved into reversion.

  10. #317
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    Default, but...

    They would not change plans maybe, but they would probably track down by IP addresses the leaked info. We don't want trouble for anyone, especially for our RC members. So yes, we should watch the official news and cool down a little. JMO
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  12. #318
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jola View Post
    I know that the article has been posted , but I just wanted to post again the part that confirms the Exxon rumor:

    Iraq Labor vs. ExxonMobil, BP and Shell - OhmyNews InternationalIraq Labor vs. ExxonMobil, BP and Shell - OhmyNews International

    "According to British media, the U.S. and U.K. governments are on track to achieve a March victory in Iraq. This victory will not be publicized, nor will it mean an end to the occupation.

    Written by Bush and Blair's big oil business partners who serve as the leaders' advisors on foreign policy, the new Iraq hydrocarbon law opens the door for international investors, led by BP, Exxon and Shell, to siphon off 75 percent of Iraq oil wealth for 30 years


    To me, that means that the procedures in HCL approval are more advanced than we believe.
    The fact that "will not be publicized" tells me that RV may be related to it. Also, it tells me that they don't care about insurgents , since "nor will it mean an end to the occupation."- the security is a risk taken by these comapnies...
    Obviously the " March victory" IS the passing of HCL and not some war related stuff.

    ...just looking around for news. You guys almost gave me a heart attack with the page! LOL
    right on with your assessment, excellent post!!!

    franny, were almost there!!

  13. #319
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    Quote Originally Posted by dinarminar View Post
    It is difficult for me to believe that the GoI, MoF, and especially the CBI would alter strategic economic/ financial plans likely developed at the onset of our liberation of Iraq because of forum members like us on multiple sites speculating about the future worth of the dinar. I have been a speculative holder of dinar for three years and I can assure you, we are irrelevant regarding strategic implementation of Iraq's economic and financial progression set forth in a master plan long ago and likely comprised of international power players whose influence we can't even fathom. More is occuring behind the scenes than we will ever know, imo. As long as the dinar reverts to a significant value, I simply don't need or care to know how it evolved into reversion.
    I only have one minor disagreement. I don't think in the beginning we were irrelevent. The currency was exchanged in Oct. "03 and soon after the President signed an order allowing Americans to hold dinar. It was part of the plan for us to buy as a mechanism to bring hard currency into Iraq and boost their (CBI) currency reserves. So, they have known all along that we are out here. And if friends of mine are correct, they are factoring us into any RV equation. As far as sensitive security leaks, thats another matter. Anyone participating in retriving sensitive information could find themselves in deep trouble while the rest of us will be strolling on white beaches next to clear blue water watching Cayman sunsets. Thank You

  14. #320
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    Here's a new rumor . . .Im done, gone outta here, (neno was here) and (neno strikes again) chatroom. The rumor is this is my last post anywhere anytime anyhow. Adios!
    Last edited by ozizoz; 24-02-2007 at 09:50 PM. Reason: Neno was here

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