iam admin
payments: https://blockchain.info/address/1PbY...8yHWW3KaAYXjwr

Hello! We are the BTCSWARCH.net team. BTCSeARCH.net is a web search engine, which pays you 50 Satoshi ( Bitcoin) for each search and to 500 Satoshi ( Bitcoin) for surfing the web and advertisements.
There are 3 levels of the referral program :
1 level 25 %
2 level 10%
3 level 5%
We have 2 types of advertisement to offer to advertisers:
a) PPC ad for a click
b) showing your site in full work
c) possibility to buy a banner 486 and 100/100 ( in August)
To users:
Stable payments in 10 different currencies.
Possibility to draw referrals.
The Lottery and the Bitcoin sites catalog will be added while the project is advanced.
The ICO is held on 1 September.