Two most profitable fields on the globe (hands down, bar none):

The first is futures and options trading and the other's identification alone is a trade secret (the ROI is unrivaled in ANY trading and investment field.)

I know a very successful, professional trader who is seeking to REPLICATE his methodology. Not "sell," or "lease" or "teach."

We are seeking serious business partners to trade his methods.

There are many methods - we are looking for about 20 more people to trade them for a percentage of your profit. Methods are mechanical (a computer can do them (can you program?) no "judgment" or "art" or "skill" or any of that BS involved.)

Location and experience are unimportant.

There are no employees and we're not relying on clientele to "buy our product."

(We rely on nothing but Honesty.)

This is a pure-profit business, apart from the time-and-money-consuming product-to-sales paradigm.

If you are a rational person, READ: it has all already been done - the methods are there; you just need to prove you are an honest person and you will soon scoff at any other "business venture" and the returns will be quick and ridiculous.

There is a deposit involved, typically from 7-15k (nothing like a traditional franchise) and there are "applications" to test your honesty and seriousness because theft is our only nemesis (which we contain well.)

[email protected]