Is it a bad thing to be wealthy or be abundant in riches? Eclessiastes 5:19 says " Moreover,when God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be happy in his work-This is a gift of God." This verse in the Holy Bible hammers the fact that, there is nothing wrong with creating and amassing wealth the right, ethical or moral way, and I believe the Holy Quran and other religions also have something in support of this assertion. The Chapter 6:2a further states the reason why God wants his people to swim in wealth or riches as opposed to wallowing in abject poverty. It states, "God gives a man wealth, possessions and honour, so that he lacks nothing his heart desires. King Solomon also requested God not to make him too poor so that he will not be tempted to speak against Him (God). The aforementioned make it clear that it is not a bad thing at all to get rich and accumulate wealth. Some of the main reasons why we need to endeavor to move from the poverty line or living from hand to mouth (The rat race include) but not limited to:
1. Money is life. If you have enough, you have hope and calmness of mind. There is no stress and anxiety.
2. Money is health. With money, you ........Continue reading from here https://wisdomforsuccesss.blogspot.com/ for more and other related topics.